Johannes Nortje

참여 작품

플래시드: 레거시
Second Assistant Director
적극적인 환경보호를 위해 불법적인 물리력까지 마다않는 젊은이들이, 방사능에 오염된 섬에 상금을 노리고 무모하게 들어가면서 벌어지는 사건
Die Ontwaking
Second Assistant Director
Abel is preparing for a special gift to himself on his 50th Birthday. He wants to find himself a new face, that of a beautiful young woman. Ella Nesser is the attractive, but inexperienced murder detective, in charge of the case to track down the serial killer who has been praying on the city's young woman. When Abel develops an obsession with not only her face, but also her tattooed skin - the Hunter becomes the Hunted.