Masali Baduza

Masali Baduza


Masali Baduza is a South African actress known for playing Sephy Hadley in the 2020 BBC drama Noughts + Crosses. Baduza grew up in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa, and trained at the New York Film Academy at the Los Angeles campus. Wikipedia

프로필 사진

Masali Baduza

참여 작품

더 우먼 킹
1800년대 아프리카 다호메이 왕국을 전례 없는 기술과 용맹함으로 지켜낸 여성 전사 부대 아고지에와 그들의 삶의 방식을 파괴하려는 적에 맞서 차세대 신병들을 훈련하고 전투를 준비하는 나니스카 장군의 이야기
슬럼버 파티 매서커
Young Trish
Dana, daughter of the only survivor of a massacre in 1993, is going on a weekend trip with her friends. After their car breaks down in the very same town where her mother once fought the Driller Killer, Dana and her friends must come face-to-face with the man who has haunted her mother’s life for the past 30 years.
Bhai's Cafe
Bhai's corner shop is a mainstay of the community, but gentrification means small businesses are under threat from corporate property developers. Bhai is not going to roll over that easily. He'll fight until the last koeksister is thrown.