Asta Sveholm

참여 작품

Häät ennen hautajaisia
Star Wars -morsian
Wedding planner Joanna needs to find herself a fake boyfriend to cheer up her depressed father. As if on demand, an eccentric undertaker enters Joanna's life with her own motives for looking for a girlfriend. At the same time, Joanna receives some earth-shattering news and nothing can ever go back to the way it was.
자비로운 밤
코로나19 팬데믹으로 봉쇄 조치가 내려진 핀란드 헬싱키. 손님이 없어 파산 위기에 놓인 한 술집에서 세 남자가 만난다. 이들은 와인을 마시고 삶의 이야기를 나누며 가까워진다.
There Will Be Spring
Late 40’s after the war. Strange languaged and religioned immigrants fleeing from Karelia region are hated by Finns in the countryside. 19-year old Anni is living her life wanting to forget the war and hostility surrounding her. Falling in love with a man who hasn’t left fighting, threatens Anni’s whole family’s future and hope for mutual forgiveness..
A story of how the world changes when dissatisfaction appears.