Ashley Stewart

Ashley Stewart

프로필 사진

Ashley Stewart

참여 작품

Set Decoration
A U.S. Border Patrol Agent tries to apprehend the ghost of his father, a grave decision that will haunt him forever.
Lady Usher
Set Dresser
An updated re-telling based in the Gothic South with the Usher Family, led by Mother. The family has been cursed by madness, unrequited love and when Roderick comes home with his girlfriend Morgan, it spells the beginning of the end as her sister Madeline will stop at nothing to prevent their marriage as Morgan fights to take Roderick away from the madness that is the House of Usher.
Set Dresser
친구를 살해한 혐의로 감옥에 갇힌 딸의 무죄를 입증할 마지막 기회를 위해 나서는 아빠 '빌' 사건의 실체에 가까워질수록 예기치 못한 사실을 알게 되는데…
Set Decoration
따분한 동네를 벗어나 유명해지고 싶은 ‘아리엘’은 첫 눈에 반한 ‘딘’과 할리우드로 떠날 계획을 세운다. 어느 날, 우연한 사고로 범죄를 저지르게 된 둘은 인스타그램 라이브를 통해 유명세를 타기 시작하고, 꿈에 다가선 ‘아리엘’과 이 상황을 벗어나고 싶은 딘’은 멈출 수 없는 위험한 질주를 시작한다. 모든 것이 새로워질 거야 11월, Follow me
In Bed with a Killer
Set Dresser
Lena and her daughter move to a new town where she meets Michael, the man of her dreams. Little does she know he's hiding some very dark secrets. And after her new friends disappear one by one, Lena must unravel the mystery of her missing friends before it's too late.