A veteran of the Great Patriotic War finds his front-line diary and relives the story that happened to him in the midst of the war. In the midst of fire, blood and dirt, he, then still a young Sashka, takes prisoner the same German boy. The enemy is preparing for death, but a young soldier gives him his word that Russian prisoners are not shot. Later, at the headquarters, saddened by the death of a combat friend, the battalion commander gives the order to shoot the prisoner. Sasha faces the most important choice in his life.
Pepper Spray Man
사고로 아내를 잃고, 혼자서 딸을 보살피며 사는 싱글 대디 '유하' . 일과 육아의 반복된 일상에서 외로운 나날을 견디던 유하는 우연히 SM 클럽을 방문하고, 낯선 여자를 통해 '마조히즘'의 짜릿한 쾌감을 경험하게 된다. 목이 졸리면서 죽음에 가까워지는 순간, 환희의 절정을 느끼게 된 남자는 점점 강한 자극을 원하게 되는데...