Alexandre Soullier

참여 작품

Sharks: The Secret Adventure
Closer to Sharks
불 속의 연인: 카티아와 모리스 크래프트를 위한 진혼곡
1991년 6월 3일, 일본의 운젠 화산이 폭발하고 43명의 목숨을 앗아간다. 희생자들 중에는 프랑스의 화산학자 부부인 카티아와 모리스 크래프트도 포함되어 있었다. "인페르노 속으로"(2016)를 만들며 베르너 헤어조크 감독은 이들의 이야기에 매혹된다. 화산의 놀라운 풍경을 극히 가까운 거리에서 담은 사진과 영상으로 유명했던 그들이 남긴 200시간 분량의 푸티지를 바탕으로 그들에게 바치는 진혼곡을 만든다.
The Bastard King
From birth to adulthood, "The Bastard King" accompanies the life of a lion. The cinematic hybrid of nature film and fictional storytelling not only shows the bloody struggle for survival in the wilderness, but also mechanisms of exclusion and discrimination. The Bastard King is a modern day fable and metaphor for the exploitation of the planet.
Une histoire amazonienne
Eden – In the heart of the red desert
Namib, an incredible spot is home to the highest sand dunes on Earth, along with 3500 species of plants of incredible diversity, all adapted to the arid climate. Elephants, antelopes, lions, giraffes and rhinoceros roam freely in the Namib with neither fence nor enclosure, as if at the dawn of time. Management of the protected areas has been entrusted to the local people and in particular to the Himba, the dominant tribe of the desert. Underground there are hidden treasures, diamonds, uranium and iron. From the beginning of the 20th century the Namib has attracted miners from all over the world, with an increasing appetite. Today, new mining projects threaten the ecosystem of the region. Olivia crosses the desert from the South to North, sharing the difficult everyday lives of the people of the desert. Exploring this rich but fragile garden of Eden, she attempts to understand why the survival of the desert is so important to the people and animals that live there.