Nick Columba
Angie Dove gets Det. Carter's attention by stumbling on a murder at an art museum. Angie's father Nick is on his own case, trying to solve a series of petty thefts at the museum.
Jim Ross
Henry is hired to authenticate and purchase a long lost and very valuable recipe book. Soon Henry and Maggie find themselves in a murder mystery where secrets hidden within a treasured book have dire consequences for all who own it.
When Brooke’s boyfriend, Ethan, breaks up with her just before the holidays, she agrees to go home with Joel, an actor who will pose as her boyfriend.
Nick Columba
When a woman is murdered, and her fiancé is the prime suspect, successful matchmaker Angie works to prove her client's innocence, much to the dismay of Kyle, the detective working the case.
Tim Guidry
It’s Jolie’s first time going back home to Louisiana since her devastating break-up with Foster Burke. Seeing him is inevitable as their parents run the town’s annual Christmas Market together, but when she discovers Foster is bringing home a new girlfriend, Jolie cannot bear the thought of going home alone and seeing them together. Her best friend Naomi suggests that Jolie bring her flaky brother, Jack, home for Christmas as he has no plans this year. Jolie, a professional web designer, is hesitant; so, Naomi, a lawyer, creates a Christmas contract to give them both something they want—a buffer for those awkward moments around Jolie’s ex and a website to help sell Jack’s upcoming novel. Unbeknownst to them, the Christmas contract proves to be so much more than what they signed up for.
Jim Ross
Henry and Maggie attend the birthday party of a local publisher, where his son and stepson reenact a historical 18th century dual. Someone, however, has loaded the antique pistol with a real musket ball, so when son pulls the trigger, he kills his stepbrother in front of a roomful of witnesses. Henry and Maggie have to figure out who wanted the stepson dead and why.
After taking a break for the summer before their senior year, Ryan and Jess rekindle their relationship, and find out that Jess is pregnant with twins. When Ryan's mother demands a paternity test, they find out that Ryan is only the father of one baby... The other father is Ryan's best friend Bryce, who Ryan discovers date raped Jess at a party over the summer. With college recruiters and an overbearing father looming over Bryce's head, he will stop at nothing to make sure that he clears his name--even if it means getting rid of Jess and her babies! Morgan Obenreder, Mark Grossman, Megan Gallagher, Griffin Freeman, David Starzyk star. (2017)
Charlie Turner
Nick and Molly, commitment-phobic and busy professionals with little in common, are asked to be the best man and maid of honor at the wedding of their mutual friends, Amy and Jamie.
Bruce Dalt
‘이겨야만 사는 편집광’ 스포츠 기자 브루스는 승리에 대한 집착이 유별나다. 그러던 어느 날, 그는 아들의 농구경기에서 오판에 항의하다 결국 심판에게 부상을 입히게 되고, 구세군 사회봉사 명령을 받는다. 그러나 그의 승부욕은 엉뚱하게 모금함으로 향하고, 지나가던 행인들에게 반강제적인 기부를 강요한다. 엎친 데 덮친 격으로 뉴스앵커 자리에서도 잘린 그는 복직할 수 있는 유일한 기회를 앞두고 또다시 사고를 치고 만다. 그의 만행이 담긴 동영상은 온라인으로 급격히 퍼져나가고, 일과 가정 모두 큰 타격을 입게 되는데...
Nick Blanche
A woman who avoids relationships opens a vintage bridal shop, and goes head-to-head with the snobbish owner of the town’s classical bridal shop—only to find out her rival is the mother of her new boyfriend.
An inquisitive night security guard is tormented by evil spirits.
Sheriff Jones
When the mummified remains of an evil Egyptian queen are brought back to life, she resurrects an army of living dead to help fulfill the prophecy that promises her all the powers of the Underworld.
Nathan Bell
After being charged with hacking into the Pentagon security system, computer-whiz Josh Martin is kidnapped during house arrest and delivered to a shadowy criminal known as Charles Keller. Requested to hack into the state’s highly advanced electrical system and shut it down, it’s clear what Keller wants—total chaos. When California goes dark, he gets what he wants. And tonight, no one will be prepared for what’s about to happen.
General Moss
Directed by Xu Kerr. Centuries of unchecked industrialization have left Earth unsuitable for supporting human life. Rather than trying to restore the ravaged planet, humanity has learned to embrace its changing environment.
Alan Bradley
트론 : The Next Day는 2011 년 4 월 TRON : Legacy의 Blu-Ray 판에 발표 된 10 분 길이의 단편 영화로, TRON과 TRON : Legacy 사이의 배경을 채 웁니다. 실세계의 Flynn Lives ARG뿐만 아니라 순수 유니버스 컨텐츠를 제공합니다. 이 단편 영화는 플린 생명기구 (Flynn Lives Organization)의 전체 연대기를 밝히며 로이 클라인 버그 (Roy Kleinberg)를 작전 본부의 비밀스런 인물로, 앨런 브래들리 (Alan Bradley)를 재정적 후원자로 지명했다. 짧은 장면들도 잠재적 인 세 번째 영화에 대한 이야기를 설정합니다.
Col. Martin
음모와 비밀로 뒤섞인 51구역...
과연 그 곳의 비밀은 밝혀질 것인가? 미국 네바다 주 사막에 위치한 미군의 비밀 군사기지인 ‘51구역’. 이 곳은 주변에 민간인이 접근만 하더라도 즉시 사살한다는 경고 문구와 함께 항상 삼엄한 경비가 이어지고 있는 곳으로 유명하다. 철저한 보안 속에 ‘51구역’에 대한 의혹은 날로 더해가고 기지를 공개하라는 여론의 압박이 거세지자 미국 정부는 마지 못해 ‘51구역’을 여론에 공개하기로 하고, 유명 언론인 4명의 기지 방문을 허용한다. 하지만 이는 눈가림일 뿐 정부는 기지의 일부만을 공개함으로써 ‘51구역’에 대한 의혹과 음모론을 잠재우고자 하는 계획에 불과했던 것. ‘51구역’에는 어떤 비밀들이 잠들어 있으며 그 곳의 비밀들은 과연 밝혀질 수 있을 것인가?
Clark Davis struggles to maintain his land and support his family during a long drought. With a bank loan to repay, his wife, Ellen, takes a job in town as a seamstress, but soon becomes ill with scarlet fever. Devastated to lose his beloved wife, Clark and his young daughter Missie turn to his parents Irene and Lloyd for support. Clark must find a way to save his farm and survive Ellen's death without losing the person he loves most: his daughter.
Alan Bradley / Tron
21년 전 실종된 천재 프로그래머 케빈 플린의 아들 샘은 이제 아버지가 설립한 엔콤(ENCOM)사의 대주주다. 아버지의 철학을 배신하고 수익만 좇는 엔콤을 거액 기부와 해킹으로 골탕먹이는 일이 그의 낙이다. 그러던 어느 날 아버지의 신호로 추정되는 호출이 날아오고 샘은 80년대 아케이드 게임기를 통해 사이버 스페이스로 빨려들어간다. 그리고 그곳에서 실종된 아버지가 본인이 만든 프로그램 클루의 손에 축출, 유폐됐다는 사실을 발견한다. 샘은 디지털 세상에 감금된 아버지를 찾아 생사를 초월한 사이버 세계로의 여행을 시작하는데...
Cpt. Dyer
이라크 기습 중, 전우이자 연인 사샤를 잃어버린 맥스는 자취를 감춘다. 2년 후, 알 카에다의 일원으로 스팅어 미사일 거래에 나타난 사샤. CIA와 특수부대의 타겟이 된다. 최정예 특수요원 ‘섀도우 솔저’로 돌아온 맥스. 이중 스파이 사샤를 구하고 스팅어 미사일을 사수하라!
Captain Ace Speedman
Come join an epic adventure to discover hidden underwater treasure and the lost keys to the Portal of Atlantis!
Hadley Ryan
1947년 뉴 멕시코 주에 UFO로 추정되는 정체불명의 비행체가 추락한다. 그들은 매우 뛰어난 과학문명을 가지고 있는 외계 생명체들로 최후의 전쟁의 무대로 지구를 택하고 은밀하게 잠입 해숨어 든다. 모든 종류의 기계로 변신이 가능해서 자신의 존재를 숨길 수 있는 스카이모퍼는 휴대폰, TV안테나, 자동차 등의 다양한 형태로 변신해 인류의 생활에 깊숙이 침투한다. 그리고 그들은 아무런 이유 없이 지구인들을 향해서 무자비한 공격을 시작한다. 서머스 박사와 제이크는 인류를 파멸하려는 그들의 무차별한 공격을 막기 위해 최후의 방법으로 통신을 교란시키는 방법을 시도하는데…
Colin Barrow (voice)
먼 우주의 광산 콜로니인 이지스7에서 마커라는 유물로 추정되는 인공적인 구조물이 발견된다. 유니톨로지 교단은 이를 지구로 가져오기 위해 행성 파괴선인 이시무라호를 파견한다. 그러나 유물을 발굴한 이후 콜로니에서 자살과 살인등의 범죄가 늘어난다. 이시무라호의 수석 보안 책임자인 알리사는 유물의 운반에 대하여 반대하지만 마티어스 선장은 그 의견을 묵살한다. 예정대로 행성의 표피를 뜯어내고 지구로 향하면서 콜로니와의 연락이 끊어진다. 하지만 콜로니에서 출발한 셔틀이 이시무라호에 들어오면서 무엇인가가 같이 들어오게 된다.
D.C. Cracker
서부개척시대를 배경으로 철도를 놓으려는 구간에 있는 목장을 두고 대결하는 남자들의 이야기.
Sheriff Steve Evans
Ancient Native American legend of the Bone Eater rises up and begins terrorizing the local townspeople
Sheriff Garner
An assassin working for the CIA decides to take one final job before quitting only to find out that he is the target of his CIA boss.
President John Sheridan
This latest installment of Babylon 5 is in two parts: the first, is about an entity that has possessed a worker. It wants to be exorcised but Col. Lochley prevents the priest & sends it & the host both back to Earth. The second is about Galen trying to dupe President Sheridan into assassinating the future Centauri President to stop him possibly attacking Earth in 30 years time.
Tron (archive footage)
루카스필름 산하의 그래픽 부서로 출범해 세계 최고의 3D 애니메이션 스튜디오로 성장한 픽사. 토이 스토리의 성공, 유능한 인재를 대접하는 픽사의 정책, 디즈니와의 관계, 그리고 놀라운 8개의 히트작에 이르기까지, 픽사 애니메이션 스튜디오의 뒷이야기를 초창기부터 살펴본다. 픽사의 창립 멤버였던 존 라세터와 에드윈 캐트멀, 그리고 스티브 잡스가 픽사에 미친 영향 또한 소개한다.
Canada's only sci-fi and fantasy television awards show. SPACE's annual celebration of genre entertainment. In a sea of boring television award shows, the SPACEYS is the only one that avoids podiums and red carpets. Instead, we take the show around the globe to stalk find the winners, wherever they happen to be, and present them with our much coveted silver alien-head statuette!
Clint Lawson
When former TV star Clint Taylor brings his Wild West show into town, murder becomes the featured attraction for bookstore owner Samantha Kinsey. Samantha is chairperson this year of Walden's annual Wild West Days and it's quite a coup bringing the ruggedly handsome Taylor and his band of cowboys into town for the event. The actor hasn't been in the limelight for years, but with a big comeback movie in the works he has gathered together much of the cast of his old TV show for his arena extravaganza. After Taylor stages an accident for publicity, Samantha learns this is not one big happy family. When somebody shoots Taylor's stand-in during a performance, Samantha calls upon her friends, Cassie and Philby, to help her find out which cowpoke pulled the trigger and why.
Two women jokingly agree to kill each others' husbands. Then one really does and blackmails the other into killing her own.
Frank Lucas
Mark Lucas and Theresa Connolly fall in love but their overbearing mothers ruin their wedding plans and possibly their future together.
Lt. Challenger
집으로 가는 길, 비행기가 추락한다면? 아마존 깊은 정글에 민간 여객기가 추락한다. 탈출구를 찾아 헤매던 생존자들은 얼마 후 자신들이 무시무시한 상황에 놓였음을 알게 된다. 거대한 전갈과 거미, 날개 달린 거대 파충류가 숲을 지배하며 거대한 유인원이 자신들의 영역을 차지하기 위해 끊임없이 싸우는 정글. 게다가 정글에는 인간을 제물로 바치는 부족이 살고 있다. 사방이 적으로 둘러싸인 이곳 정글에서 생존자들은 무사히 탈출할 수 있을 것인가?
Detective Bruning
A woman investigates when her teenage son is arrested for his married lover's murder.
Detective Sergeant Malcolm Ainslie, a Catholic priest turned distinguished investigator for the police, has agreed to hear the confession of a convicted serial killer sentenced to death in a just a matter of hours. What he promises to reveal to Ainslie is the truth behind the crimes and the reason he confessed to the one crime Ainslie doesn't even believe he committed. What unfolds between the two men is a serpentine trail into both men's pasts based on the bestseller from master storyteller Arthur Hailey.
The President
A selection of news reports chronicling the outbreak of the zombie epidemic experienced in Dawn of the Dead (2004).
After learning that their young daughter, Emily, is suffering from leukemia, Cheryl and Greg have no choice but to seek out Cheryl's violent ex-husband, Kurt, to have him tested as a possible bone marrow donor. Cheryl is particularly disturbed about seeing Kurt again, since her testimony sent him to prison ten years earlier.
The film concerns a sleepy town that is populated mostly by aliens who have suspicious been pretending to be humans for a lengthy period of time in order to eventually strip the planet of resources they need to live.
What happens when you don't remember having being on vacation ?
Sheriff Patrick James
A small town, desperate to recover from hard economic times, is under threat when voracious Snakehead fish mutate and survive previous lake chemical poisonings. The fish transform from pests to predators when human growth hormones are dumped into the local lake in the hopes of reviving the local fishing industry. Thriving on the hormones, the Snakehead fish grow to monstrous proportions, devouring everything within reach. Capable of moving and eating on land, they are forced to leave the now barren lake in a desperate search for food - animal, vegetable or human.
Nicholas Preston
A little girl is quickly surrounded by a group of law-enforcement professionals and a psychologist after she witnesses a murder.
Mr. Walker
When the dam in the town of Rutland starts to show signs of wear. David Powell, the architect who originally worked on the dam but was removed and who left town after he was black balled by Walker, the man who only cares about making a profit; returns. He insists that the dam be drained and inspected but Walker claims it would take too long and would be too costly. David goes to the dam and notices a few anomalies. He then tries to warn the deputy mayor who happens to be his estranged wife but out of anger she refuses to listen. Also David tries to reconnect with his son who resents his desertion.
Lt. Gen. James Longstreet
미국의 남북전쟁을 배경으로 한 전쟁서사시. 대학교수였던 조슈아 로렌스 체임벌린, 교육자이자 군인이었던 로버트 E. 리 장군, 그리고 리 장군의 가장 믿음직한 부하였던 토마스 '스톤월' 잭슨. 1861년 초부터 1863년 게티스버그 전투가 있기 직전의 시기까지, 전쟁의 양면을 파헤치며 남북전쟁의 훌륭한 지도자였던 세 주인공이 엮어가는 파란만장한 이야기를 다루고 있다.
J.T. Hope
J.T. Hope, a former police officer and marine, owner of a ranch called "Circle Hope Ranch" decides to start a program for troubled teens on his ranch to help rehabilitate them and help them get out of the life of crime, drugs and other bad things. Hope starts the program and 3 boys are brought in to the new program. J.T. has 2 good friends who work with him on the ranch, Shorty, and Colt Webb, a former juvenile delinquent who was given a second chance with the help of J.T. Hope.
President Howard
In the 21st Century, terrorists have developed a new way to strike: disease. Not only have they created a deadly Level Four Ebola virus, their first victim is the President of the United States. The virus is particularly contagious and is spreading. If a cure cannot be found, the only chance for saving the world from epidemic is for the army to destroy the hospital and the town where the victims, including the President, are currently contained. The clock is ticking. As doctors search for a cure the military seeks to annihilate them all in a race to stop the deadly path of the contagion. Can the spread be stopped before its too late?
This made-for-video documentary treats science fiction fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Tron, Disney's classic live-action film about a programmer who must fight for his life against killer programs after being pulled inside of his company's computer. Includes interviews with the cast and crew of the film who share their experiences from working on this unique project, as well as discuss the special efforts that went into bringing it to completion.
Dr. Robert Lewis
Upon her release from a mental institution where she was recovering from a suicide attempt, Andrea McBride applies for the position of nanny for a handsome, wealthy surgeon, Dr. James Lewis, a widower with two children. Another applicant is hired, but she dies in an accident and Andrea gets the job after all, excelling and quickly becoming part of the family. Then Lewis' girlfriend, Dr. Julia Bruning, is mysteriously killed. When his boss tells Lewis of impending cutbacks at the hospital, the boss is murdered. Meanwhile, Lewis' teenaged daughter Fawn begins piecing together the history of the new nanny and discovers that Andrea may be responsible for these and other killings - but Fawn had better hurry, because the slayings are getting closer to home
A lawyer is on a business trip to St. Petersburg. When a beautiful woman on the run runs into him and asks for help, he is thrown into a dangerous world of jewel thieves and gangsters.
John J. Sheridan
Allies of the Shadows seek revenge against humanity. This movie sets up the series, "Crusade," the sequel to "Babylon 5."
Mark Ettinger
An NTSB investigator (Jaclyn Smith) and her boyfriend (Bruce Boxleitner), who works for the FAA, investigate a series of similar and suspicious plane crashes that seem to be affecting only one airline.
Capt. John J. Sheridan
Susan Ivanova discovers a derelict spaceship in hyperspace. They tow it back to Babylon 5, then strange things start happening. People are being telepathically taken over by aliens from another (third)space.
John J. Sheridan
Londo Mollari, the Centauri Emperor, recounts the initial contact between the Humans and Minbari, which resulted in a major incident and subsequent war, for an eager pair of youngsters wanting a story about love and conflict.
Clayton Andrews
A young Russian countess escapes the 1917 revolution and, despite hardship, makes a new life for herself in America.
Sam, Sheriff of Cochise County
Combining colorized footage from the television series The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955) with new scenes shot in Tombstone, Arizona, this film shows the return of the legendary former Marshal Wyatt Earp to his old stomping grounds. He visits old friends, teaches bad guys some manners and reveals secrets about his early life.
Davis Healy
Retired marshal Dillon goes after a 15 year old boy who is determined to kill the men responsible for the murder of his mother during a stagecoach robbery
Dr. Frank Ravinel
Marion Ravinel is trapped in an abusive spousal relationship. She forms a plan with her husband's former lover to kill him. However, the outcome turns out to be more than she planned on as she begins to believe that her husband has come back from the dead to get her.
An ex-fighter pilot encounters turbulence when he finds the company he works for is actually a front for art smuggling.
Jack Hart
Jack Hart lives with his lawyer wife and yound daughter and enjoys a wonderful life. Jack's old girlfriend, Lisa, comes into town and they have an affair. Lisa kills her current boyfriend in self-defense and Jack witnesses the whole thing. Lisa goes on trial for murder with Jack's wife as her lawyer. As the movie progresses Lisa's devious side becomes known and make for an interesting conclusion
Allan Bodine
Maggie, a recent widower, hires a housekeeper, Janice, to help her with chores taking care of her two young daughters. With Janice comes her brother Allan who is an alcoholic haunted by the deaths of his wife and daughter. Love blooms between Maggie and Allan much to the dismay of Janice. However, as time wears on the mystery surrounding Allan begins to fall away.
Patrick Dunmore
Mostly on account of a pride struggle, Mike Dunmore has lived his whole life keeping a secret which he believed would only cause shame if it came to light. Personal relationships with his son Patrick have been strained as a result. The only ones who ever knew anything about it were his deceased wife and his best friend, Thurgood who he works with, who both agreed to help keep it covered up for him as long as they could. However, when his treasured grandson begins experiencing the same problems, Mike realizes that he can't hide his secret any longer, or if he tried to, it would be most difficult. Even more so when he is endorsed and volunteers to run as a candidate for local election.
Jumpin' Joe Dugan
베이브 루스(Babe Ruth : 존 굿맨 분)는 7세에 부모의 버림을 받고 세인트 메리 직업학교로 끌려온다. 그러나 그의 야구에 대한 천부적인 소질을 알게 된 한 사제에 의해 보살핌을 받으며 자라게 된다. 그러던 중 보스톤 레드삭스팀에서 온 한 사람에게 발탁되어 법적 후견인까지 얻은 그는, 프로야구에 뛰어들게 되고 그는 뭐든 원하는 것을 살 수 있는 돈과 그를 좋아하는 아이들을 얻게 된다. 보스톤 레드삭스와 뉴욕 양키스의 대결에서 루스는 홈런으로 화려한 데뷔를 한다. 어느날 한 식당에서 일하는 헬렌(Helen : 트리니 알바라도 분)이란 여자에게 반한 그는 그녀가 좋아하는 가축과 농장을 안겨주고 둘은 결혼을 하게 된다. 그러나 부모의 따뜻한 정을 모르고 자란 루스는 아내에게 어떻게 해야 하는지를 모르고 사사건건 그녀와 충돌한다. 루스가 속해 있는 보스톤 레드삭스의 구단주는 이따른 사업의 실패로 사채업자에게 125,000 달러를 갚지 못해 보물덩어리 루스를 양키스팀에 팔기에 이른다.
Brad Kuffs
범죄가 많은 미국, 특히 샌프란시스코는 기존의 병력으로는 시민의 안전을 보장할 수가 없다. 그래서 생겨난 특수 순찰대는 시내 일정구역의 방범을 맡은 개인 소유의 경찰이다. 21세의 조지 컵스는 형이 의문의 살해를 당하자 형이 소유하고 있던 특수 순찰대를 물려받는다. 샘 존스에게서 구역을 팔라는 제의가 들어오나 죽은 형을 위해 특수 순찰대를 맡기로 한 것. 컵스는 형 살해사건과 5천만 달러 상당의 그림 도난사건에 샘 존스가 관련된 것을 알고 그를 추적하게 된다.
Cole Hickel
Cole Hickel, a Marine, pursues his daughter's killer when he is allowed to go back to Paraguay because of "diplomatic immunity."
Detective Kyle Robeshaw
Detective Kyle Robeshaw is a headstrong detective who finds himself stuck in a dead end job in missing person's as a result. One of his cases leads him into the investigation of a serial killer who killed his policewoman girlfriend. Along the way he employs a psychic to help him find the missing person and the killer who kidnapped her
When Joey, a prisoner on the run, takes Reginald, an accountant, as his hostage, he gets more than he bargained for.
Filled with anachronisms and rip offs from "The 'A' Team" and "The Dirty Dozen" - It's 1942 in Manila and an American saloon owner organizes a misfit group to fight in WWII.
Peter Langford
After having a near death experience Joanna finds her life in constant danger. She begins to believe that certain forces are trying to bring her back into the world of the dead. Her boyfriend Glen thinks she's crazy so Joanna turns to her ex-boyfriend, Peter. It just so happens that Peter is a strong believer in the supernatural and even teaches a course on it at a local college. Together they must confront the "walkers" so that Joanna can live to see another day.
When one man terrorizes a town and its citizens, they join together to take 'care' of him. A special prosecutor is brought in to find the guilty person.
Matthew Garth
Remake of the 1948 John Wayne feature about a man who rebels against his tyrannical guardian during a crucial cattle drive.
Billy Montana
Brady Hawkes and Billy Montana join forces once again in this new adventure. This time around their goal is to help the Sioux fight the government and get the supplies they need. They also uncover corruption within a government outpost and find themselves in a dangerous position.
Captain William Wicker
Larry Janson
The movers and shakers in Singapore get involved in behind-the-scenes political and business activities, romantic entanglements, and murder. Nicol Williamson plays the wealthiest man in Southeast Asia. Barbara Hershey is his married antagonistic daughter who starts an affair with an ambitious American banker (Bruce Boxleitner) and who also seems to have the attention of her father.
Scott Collins
Two young survivors of a wagon-train massacre battle horse thieves as they take a prize stallion through Utah.
After two attempts to kidnap a little girl Mike Hammer is hired to protect her.
Billy Montana
Brady Hawkes, Billy Montana, and Jeremiah Hawkes are on a train bound for a huge gambling event when the train is taken over by a gang of vicious killers in search of money. As ransom, the gang takes young Jeremiah hostage. Brady and Billy embark on a quest to rescue him and form a small gang of their own along the way.
Wyatt Earp
Based on the memoirs of Josephine Marcus Earp, a young opera singer from San Francisco, this docudrama tells the story of how she became the wife of legendary lawman Wyatt Earp.
Chase Marshall
A T.V. show along the lines of a soap opera which centers on one young woman, Tiger Hayes, as she starts up a perfume company. The usual soap plots of adultery, romance, corruption, and greed abound.
Alan Bradley / Tron
거대한 컴퓨터 게임회사 부사장 딜리건은 천재 프로그래머 플린의 아이디어를 훔쳐 오늘날의 지위를 얻어낸 음흉한 자이나 그를 돕는 메인 컴퓨터의 고성능 기능으로 전체 군주로 군림한다. 그러나 이에 의혹을 품은 젊은 프로그래머 알렌은 정보를 얻어내기 위해 제작한 프로그램 트론을 메인 컴퓨터가 삼켜버리자 플린에게 도움을 요청한다. 그러나 정보에 접근하려던 플린마저 컴퓨터에 먹혀버리고 컴퓨터 세계로. 플린은 프로그래머들이 만든 프로그램들이 사람처럼 간주되어 죽음의 경기를 펼치고 있음을 보게된다. 플린은 이 컴퓨터 세계에서 최고의 전사로 되어있는 트론과 힘을 합쳐 딜리건의 메인 통제 컴퓨터와 전쟁을 벌인다. 치열한 컴퓨터 전쟁끝에 메인통계 컴퓨터를 부수고 딜기건의 흉악한 음모를 밝혀낸다.
Carl Danton
Ambitious pilot to a prospective series revolving around a combat cameraman in Vietnam. Carl Danton is in Saigon on assignment at the start of the 1968 Tet offensive with a cynical boss in the local bureau chief. His love interest is a Vietnamese doctor whose brother happens to be a leader in the Viet Cong and whose influential parents are involved in high-level corruption.
Billy Montana
This Western adventure, inspired by Kenny Rogers' hit song, tells how fictional gambler Brady Hawkes, going in search of a young son he never knew he had, teams up with an impetuous young admirer and a shady lady on his journey, which also involves him with an arrogant railroad owner and a gang of villains.
Billie Joe Robbins
A tale of two hustlers trying to set up a big game.
Jack Gregory
Suzanne Somers appears in her first TV starring role in this romantic comedy about an aspiring singer torn between making the most of her one chance at fame in Las Vegas or giving her heart to a love-struck mountain man.
A disturbed young man threatens violence at the World Series after failing to make the Houston Astros.
Douglas Lane
A female investigator in the district attorney's office sets out to track down the person who murdered a young schoolteacher.
Zeb Macahan, a pioneering westerner, helps move his brother's family to the wild west. They run into several obstacles including the breakout of the Civil War. This sends the father back to fight in the war and leaves the family to move on ahead.
Bobby Joe
A buxom, beer-guzzling and naive country gal travels from her small town to Miami to find a 'sugar daddy' to save the family restaurant.
Richie Danko
A talk-radio host, who specializes in abusing and insulting his audience, gets a call from a disturbed teenage girl who says she is going to commit suicide. After first encouraging her, he has a change of heart and frantically tries to get his listeners to help find the girl before she makes good on her threat.
A father finds himself taking care of a family that, in addition to his son and three daughters, also consists of two sons-in-law and his youngest daughter's Chinese boyfriend.
A warrant brings Marshal John Breaker and Deputy Bugle Bearclaw, cross-country to deliver a dangerous criminal. But, when they make a stand on behalf of a judge, can they defend a small town from the most ruthless gang in the West?