Peter Muller

Peter Muller

프로필 사진

Peter Muller

참여 작품

Nic Clere
On the 7th of May 2009, Senior Constables Len Snee, Grant Diver and Bruce Miller arrived at 41 Chaucer Rd in Napier to serve a search warrant on Jan Molenaar for the growing of cannabis. This was just a routine warrant, something they had done countless times. What was meant to be an ordinary procedure turned into three of New Zealand’s darkest days and ended with one police officer dead, two officers critically injured and a member of the public fighting for his life. In some fifty hours Jan Molenaar made a permanent and devastating imprint upon the national psyche of New Zealand as he changed the lives of individuals, families, a police community, and a city. The siege was one of the worst and unexpected cases of violence both Napier and New Zealand had witnessed and it was all the more shocking because of its ordinary suburban backdrop.
Terror Peak
Gary Green
Melanie Fraser has a problem. Her mother, Dr. Janet Fraser, thinks that she can bond with her stepfather by accompanying mom and dad on a simple business excursion to see if a small tour guide company is a good investment for clients. The fact that the trip will take the threesome to the site of a volcano in New Zealand is nothing for Melanie to worry about. Old "Mount Extreme" is inactive and mom is a former volcanologist who should know a safe hill when she sees one. So what's the problem? Answer: somebody forgot to tell the gods in charge of lava control that they were about to host a family therapy session. Mount Extreme decides to live up to its name just in time to make Melanie's quality time with the folks seem like a big mistake.
Wild Blue
Gary Stolicker
A touching story about the relationship of an American pilot named Ray Walker with a boy and his family on a ranch in New Zealand. Bill, the grandfather of the family, knows that only Ray can teach flying to his grandson.
Typhon's People
Dion Tertius
A scientist in New Zealand has a secret lab where experiments are performed on humans. When he is assassinated, opposing forces rush to his hideaway to suppress or expose his secrets.