Carl Fortin

참여 작품

컴 투 대디: 30년만의 재회
Stunt Double
나름 성공한 음악가 노발. 아버지가 없이 자란 그에게 갑자기 아버지로부터의 초대장이 온다. 30여 년 간 가족을 버린 아버지에 대한 궁금증과 원망을 품고 그를 만나러 간 외딴집. 하지만 뭔가 수상한 분위기를 감지하게 되고 집안 곳곳에 숨겨진 피의 흔적들을 발견하게 된다.
Hailey Dean Mysteries: A Will to Kill
Emotionally ready to confront her fiancé's 15-year-old murder, Hailey finds herself caught up in the case of a missing college coed. The deeper Hailey digs into the young woman's disappearance the more she is convinced the two events are related.
Hailey Dean Mysteries: 2 + 2 = Murder
Stunt Double
Hailey attends her niece's school recital only to learn that the beloved music teacher has vanished. Hailey soon discovers several startling secrets amongst the staff, as well as a link between the missing young teacher and the school’s reconstruction funds.