Georges Arnaud

Georges Arnaud

출생 : 1917-07-16, Montpellier, Hérault, France

사망 : 1987-03-04


Henri Girard (16 July 1917 – 4 March 1987) was a French author who used the pseudonym Georges Arnaud. He was born in Montpellier. He was the author of the novel The Wages of Fear (French: Le Salaire de la peur). Georges Arnaud was a writer, investigative journalist and political activist. After obtaining his baccalauréat, he studied language and literature. He then moved to Paris and gained a law degree in 1938. On the night of 24 to 25 October 1941, Henri's father (a deputy archivist at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vichy France), aunt and a servant were murdered in the family castle. Henri Girard, the only survivor, raised the alarm the following morning to the castle staff. In the mysterious circumstances of the murder, Henri was arrested, charged and imprisoned. He spent nineteen months in prison where, because of the war, he was neglected and left to starve and freeze. His trial began on 27 May 1943; the jury acquitted him on 2 June. Thereafter, he resided in Paris from 1943 to 1947, where he married a young singer, Suzanne Graux, for whom he wrote songs and with whom he had two sons. Some of his songs were performed by Edith Piaf, (such as Les Hiboux). Disgusted by the power of man's fascination with money, he quickly spent the family inheritance, donating to a number of good causes. In debt and wanting to be forgotten (especially by his creditors), he left for South America on 2 May 1947. Back in France in 1950, he published his first novel The Wages of Fear, inspired by his journey. Then came new works from his experiences: The Journey of the Wicked Thief and Schtibilem 41 (on his stay in prison). He also reported for various newspapers. In 1952, the filmmaker Henri-Georges Clouzot made a film adaptation of The Wages of Fear with Yves Montand and Charles Vanel. In 1953, Henri Girard met his new companion, Rolande. They married in 1966 and had two daughters together. Also in 1953, his play Avowales the Sweetest created a scandal. The play was adapted for television by Édouard Molinaro in 1970. In 1962, Girard moved to Algeria with his family, where he helped establish a journalism school and launched a newspaper, Révolution Africaine. He left Algeria in 1974. Between 1975 and 1981, he was a reporter on French television. In 1984, he settled with his wife in Barcelona where he died of a heart attack on 4 March 1987. Two sons: Dominique (1946) et Henri (1947); two daughters: Catherine (1962) and Laurence (1964). Source: Article "Georges Arnaud" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

프로필 사진

Georges Arnaud

참여 작품

1953년 이탈리아 영화인 를 미국에서 리메이크했다. 프랑스의 사업가로 주식 사기에 연루되어 파탄에 이른 남자. 중동의 테러리스트로 동료들이 모두 체포되거나 사살되고 혼자 살아남은 남자. 4인조 강도가 실수로 지역 갱단 보스의 동생을 죽인 후 도주하던 중 살아남은 한 남자. 이렇게 각기 절박한 상황에 처한 세 명이 펼치는 이야기.
The Most Gentle Confessions
Following a robbery in a circus, a young mobster, Jean, is arrested by Inspector Borelli. The thug denies involvement. To compel him to sign a full confession, Inspector Muller encourages the suspect to get married for - he says - to move the jury. This being done, he lets Jean believe that he can spend a moment alone with his wife; but then, Inspector Borelli blackmails him: "If you sign your confession, you can spend a moment with her." After being beaten, Jean signs a confession. It is then that a new blackmail intervenes: "the name of the accomplice?", asks the inspector. But the thug refuses to denounce the latter and ends up refusing the bargain dupes. While the guards drive him back to prison, his wife cuts his veins, breaking the career of the bad policeman.
공포의 보수
프랑스인 마리오는 남미의 어느 한 지방으로 흘러들어온다. 자신과 처지가 비슷한 이방인들이 모여 있는 곳으로, 그는 남미인 친구 루이지와 동거하면서, 페피토의 식당에서 일하는 린다를 사랑한다. 어느날 산전수전 다 겪은 조가 등장하자 마리오는 그를 존경하면서 루이지와 헤어지고 그와 친하게 지낸다. 한편, 미국인들이 개발하는 유전에서 화재가 발생하고, 담당자 오브라이언은 거금을 걸고 오지의 화재근원지에 폭탄의 원료가 되는 질소를 운반할 수 있는 트럭 운전수를 채용하려고 한다. 4명의 운전수 중에 발탁된 조와 마리오는 또다른 팀을 이룬 빔바와 루이지 일행과 함께 목숨을 건 운반을 시작한다.
The Wages of Fear
In a decrepit South American village, men are hired to transport an urgent nitroglycerine shipment without the equipment that would make it safe.