Darya Tokareva

참여 작품

배틀 인 데저트
살아있는 지뢰제거의 전설 디마 대위. 초대형 지뢰 폭발에서 홀로 살아남는다. 전쟁에 중독된 그는 또다시 최전방으로 향한다. 치열한 전투에서 부대장이 납치되고, 그를 구하기 위해 적진 깊이 들어간다. 최악의 전투 끝에 폭탄의 카운트다운이 시작되는데... 리얼 밀리터리 액션을 만난다!
The Eternal Life of Alexander Christoforov
The misanthrope Alexander Christoforov, nicknamed "Alec", is a hopeless loser. The actor, who was celebrated in the Soviet era as the hero of "Eugene Onegin", is carving out a depressing existence as a bad paid figure of a ridicule historical show. Despised by his ex-wife, alienated from his son, Alec has totally screwed up his life. But when diagnosed with a mortal illness, he sets off on a ludicrous tour de force at the end of which a piece of eternity surprisingly awaits him - A comedy with a happy end.