Ian Hogg

Ian Hogg

출생 : 1937-08-01, Newcastle, England, UK


Newcastle born Ian Hogg is an actor of British stage, screen and television. He is perhaps best known for his role as the tenacious and tetchy detective Rockcliffe in the BBC TV series Rockliffe's Babies and its subsequent, short-lived spin-off Rockliffe's Folly.

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Ian Hogg
Ian Hogg

참여 작품

Shot mainly in South East London, it’s about Micky Mason, a skilled manual worker who, since the Crash, can find nothing but menial zero hours jobs. He takes a course of action that is completely out of character, but it’s the only way he can see of keeping his family together. It is about surviving, but it’s not all anguish and despair - it’s also warm and tender, and funny. It's about people finding their way through. It’s about Micky Mason; a man out there, right now, doing his best.
The Miniaturist
Pieter Slabbaert
A woman moves to live with her new husband in 17th century Amsterdam, but soon discovers that not everything is what it seems.
Into an era seething with war and revolution, a man comes with an incredible power to heal a nation...or destroy it. Based on the true story of one of the most powerful and mysterious figures in Russian history.
Death of a Salesman
Willy Loman clings to the belief that he is a success as a salesman, that he is a beloved family man, that he is well-liked; but, as he grows older, he is forced to contemplate the unpleasant reality of his existence.
A Pin for the Butterfly
Great Uncle
Communism seen through the eyes of a young girl who watches her beloved uncle struggle with the oppressive government .
Dudley Drabble
Arrogant aristocrat Rupert Campbell-Black has a high social position, woman at his feet, money and fame in the world of show jumping. But Rupert has a rival - the brooding gypsy Jake Lovell, whose loathing for the Pin Up of Penscombe has driven him to the top of the riding world to match Rupert's skills. A bitter feud festers between the two stars, who have fought and fornicated their way round the show rings of the world, and now come to a showdown at the Lod Angeles Olympics. As rivals in love and sport, the stage is set for what becomes a compulsive blend of sex, romance, and adventure.
The Pleasure Principle
Part relationship drama and part sex comedy follows a middle-aged man who loves women and sex and can't stop cheating. He gets a divorce from his angry wife, but then cheats on his lovers. However, one of them decides to get even.
Ben Todd
A group of teenage boys are tricked into accompanying their teacher on a survival holiday to a deserted island. But when the teacher suffers a nervous breakdown and turns hostile, the boys are forced to fend for themselves.
The Care of Time
Mr. Schelm
A thriller directed by John Davies.
A Fair and Easy Passage
Hetty is elderly, wealthy, bright and dying of cancer. Her ex-husband refuses to accept her illness while her daughter can't give her support. Then 'Crazy Jane' breezes into her life to help her face death with some dignity.
Doctor Who: Ghost Light
Josiah Samuel Smith
The Doctor takes Ace on an initiative test to a strange Victorian old house where she is forced to confront her darkest fears.
Theban Plays: Oedipus at Colonus
Oedipus's wanderings come to an end when he finds his final resting place, as foretold by the gods. But his brother-in-law and his son each try to take him away.
레이디 제인
Sir John Gates
The death of King Henry VIII throws his kingdom into chaos because of succession disputes. His weak son, Edward, is on his deathbed. Anxious to keep England true to the Reformation, a scheming minister John Dudley marries off his son, Guildford to Lady Jane Grey, whom he places on the throne after Edward dies. At first hostile to each other, Guildford and Jane fall in love, but they cannot withstand the course of power which will lead to their ultimate downfall.
Rainy Day Women
In 1940, during World War II, an officer is sent to investigate rumours of German spies in a sleepy village where various people are the victims of war hysteria.
Macbeth and his wife murder Duncan in order to gain his crown, but the bloodbath doesn't stop there, and things supernatural combine to bring the Macbeths down.
Red Monarch
British comedy satirising Stalin's inner circle as an absolute monarchs court. In the face of rampant abuse of power and poisonous distrust some still manage to keep faith with the Bolshevist creed until the very end. In front of the firing squad a stalwart bolshevist of the first hour exclaims: "Even in the best democracy errors are being made!"
The Union
Les Cannon
Pollitt: "You know the nuts and bolts of our policy?" Les Cannon: "To penetrate the unions. To use all sorts of stratagems, manoeuvres, illegal measures, evasions, subterfuges, to carry on Communist activities inside them at all cost."
Very Like a Whale
Stephen Grain
Theme of a powerful and respected man tearing his life to bits.
The Living Grave
Joe Keaton
Hypnotist, Joe Keaton, regresses a modern day nurse back beyond her birth to the life of an 18th century maid, Kitty. To this day flowers are left daily on the unconsecrated grave of Kitty. Part of the BBC Leap in the Dark anthology series.
Donal and Sally
Mr Richmond
Adolescent love can be difficult at the best of times, but Donal and Sally have special problems - problems which alarm their families and the instructors at Strathvale Centre.
A couple attempts to unravel a sinister plot within the English countryside estate of a dying man who has gathered an eclectic and notable group of house guests.
Former Irish Republican Army member Niall Hennessy lives in Belfast, Ireland, with his wife and daughter amid the ongoing Irish-British conflict. Though he still knows people in the IRA, including fugitive leader Tobin, Niall has given up his violent ways. One day his family is caught in a chaotic street shootout and killed by British forces. Overwhelmed with rage and hunted by a Scotland Yard inspector, Niall heads to London to exact his deadly revenge.
Dead Cert
Bill Davidson
As a surprise, two horse owners decide to ride their animals themselves in a steeplechase. But Bill Davidson's horse "Admiral" behaves weirdly, and falls hard after an obstacle. Bill dies from his injuries. His friend Alan York suspects the animal was doped by unscrupulous bookies and starts to investigate. He doesn't know how serious his opponents are, and that he's in danger to suffer the exact same fate as his friend.
Penda's Fen
Through a series of real and imagined encounters with angels, demons, and England's pagan past, a pastor's son begins to question his religion and politics, and comes to terms with his sexuality.
The Hireling
Based on the novel by L. P. Hartley, The Hireling is a dissection of antiquated but hardly dormant British class distinctions as a lonely socialite and her chauffeur become more than friends.
First Thane
스코틀랜드의 명장 맥베스(존 핀치)는 노르웨이와의 전투를 승리로 이끈 후 고향 코더 지방으로 향하는 길에 오른다. 어느날 맥베스는 광야에서 세 명의 마녀를 만나 예언을 듣게 되는데 맥베스가 곧 코더의 왕이 될 것이라는 것과 그의 부하 뱅코우(마틴 쇼우)가 낳는 자식이 맥베스 다음으로 코더의 왕을 될 것이라는 말이었다. 멕베드는 영주민들의 열렬한 환대를 받으며 당당한 개선 행진을 하면서 자신의 권력이 한층 강해 진 것을 깨닫고 코더의 왕 덩컨(니콜라스 셀비)과 그 일족을 제거하여 자신이 왕이 되려는 음모를 꾸민다. 그리고 결국 마녀의 예언대로 스스로 왕위에 오른다. 그러나 또 하나의 예언, 뱅코우의 자손이 왕이 될 것이라는 걸 염두에 두고는 뱅코우 마저도 죽이지만 뱅코우의 아들 풀리언스는 맥베스의 간계에서 벗어난다. 얼마후 아일랜드로 도망쳤던 덩컨왕의 아들 말콤(스티븐 체이스)이 영국왕 에드워드의 도움을 받아 스코틀랜드를 침입할 것이라는 소문을 듣고 맥베스는 전쟁준비에 열을 올린다. 다시 한번 마녀를 만난 맥베스는 이웃 영주인 맥더프(테렌스 베일러)를 경계하라는 주의에 따라 맥더프의 아들과 부인을 사형 시킨다. 맥더프는 아일랜드로 망명하여 말콤 왕자와 만나고, 역시 아일랜드로 망명한 스코틀랜드 귀족 로스(존 스트라이드)와도 조우한뒤 합심하여 맥베스를 치자는 의견을 모은다. 멕베드가 전쟁 준비로 아내에게 소홀한 탓에 멕베드 부인(프란시스 애니스)은 병에 걸리고, 맥베스가 전투에 나가있는 동안 그녀는 스스로 목숨을 끊는다.
리어 왕
리어 왕은 딸들을 시험하기 위하여 왕국을 셋으로 분할한다. 막내딸 코델리아가 정직한 답변을 내놓자, 격분한 리어왕은 음흉한 언니들에게 통치권을 넘겨버린다. 연극계의 거장 피터 브룩의 연출이 큰 호평을 얻었던 작품.
마지막 계곡
이 영화는 1971년 제임스 클 라벨(James Clavell)이 감독 한 것으로, 30 년 전쟁 당시의 역사적인 드라마이다. 독일 남부의 종교 전쟁에서 도망친 용병군인과 교사는 우연히 전쟁에 닿지 않은 계곡을 찾아 평화롭게 살게 되는데...
To Build a Fire
A man travels by foot in the snow with his dog.
All's Well That Ends Well
An adaptation directed by Claude Whatham for the BBC's Theatre 625 slot. Essentially a recording of John Barton's acclaimed Royal Shakespeare Company production starring Catherine Lacey (the Countess), Ian Richardson (Bertram), Lynn Farleigh (Helen), Clive Swift (Parolles) and Sebastian Shaw (the King), it was broadcast on 3 June 1968.
Tell Me Lies
Adapted and directed by Peter Brook from the Royal Shakespeare Company’s ‘production-in-progress US’, this long-unseen agitprop drama-doc – shot in London in 1967 and released only briefly in the UK and New York at the height of the Vietnam War – remains both thought-provoking and disturbing. A theatrical and cinematic social comment on US intervention in Vietnam, Brook’s film also reveals a 1960s London where art, theatre and political protest actively collude and where a young Glenda Jackson and RSC icons such as Peggy Ashcroft and Paul Scofield feature prominently on the front line. Multi-layered scenarios staged by Brook combine with newsreel footage, demonstrations, satirical songs and skits to illustrate the intensity of anti-war opinion within London’s artistic and intellectual community.
마라, 사드
Military Representative
In Charenton Asylum, the Marquis de Sade directs a play about Jean Paul Marat's death, using the patients as actors. Based on 'The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade', a 1963 play by Peter Weiss.
The Benefit of the Doubt
A documentary following US, Peter Brook's experimental play about the moral issues surrounding the Vietnam War, Benefit of the Doubt is the only known film record of the Royal Shakespeare Company production. It was filmed by Peter Whitehead concurrently with his Tonite Let's All Make Love in London (1967), on the surface a very different film, yet both share a central concern with the war, protest and Britain's political and cultural relationship with America.