Evelyne Bencotes
Forest of the Chartreuse massif. A group of lumberjacks working on a job come across the body of a man suspended in the air by a rope system, as if it were a sort of disarticulated puppet. In charge of the investigation, Justine Verard is forced to collaborate with Mehdi Djaoud, whom she holds responsible for the death of her husband, himself a detective, during a mission that went wrong five years earlier. Despite this tragic past, the two agents will have to join forces to solve this first murder together in the face of a mystery that will get thicker as the investigation proceeds. Between a complicated personal life and her investigation, Justine will be caught in a vice-like grip until the final countdown under high tension.
Mici Teller
2차 세계 대전 시기, 미국의 원자폭탄개발 계획에 참여했던 폴란드 출신 유대인인 천재 수학자 스타니스와프 울람의 전기에 기초한 작품. 1930년대 동생과 함께 전쟁을 피해 미국으로 건너온 수학자 스탠은 하버드에서 강의하다가 자리를 잃게 된 후 미국 체류에 문제가 생긴 차에, 친구인 헝가리 출신의 천재 수학자 존 폰 노이만으로부터 비밀스런 프로젝트를 제안 받는다.