Sound Post Supervisor
Two years ago, Haci (43), who came to Istanbul from his village, found a job where he could regularly send money to his family. The workers in the construction where he worked stopped working two months ago because they could not get their money. He is alone in this non-working construction. Haci cannot send money to his family because he cannot get his salary. Because he has no money, doesn't remember when he was last eating. One morning, her mother calls he and tells that the last money he sent is over. Haci says he will send money somehow. After a while, he finds 50 turkish liras while cleaning the rubble in the construction, is unsure about what to do with this money. Should he send it to his family or eat something? He faces a dilemma.
Sound Effects Editor
15세기 중기 왈라키아의 가장 강인한 전사들 ‘딜러’, 왈라키아의 폭군은 쥐를 이용해 역병을 퍼트려 콘스탄티노폴리스를 함락시키고, 오스만 제국을 정복하려 한다. 나라를 함락시킬 최후의 무기 ‘붉은 이끼’로 가득한 블러드 동굴의 존재를 알게된 ‘딜러’는 폭군에 맞서 싸우게 되는데… 거대한 선악의 대결, 그 승자는 누구인가!