Joey works as a waiter for a hedonistic community of summer holiday makers in a small Mediterranean paradise. It is unclear if their exaggerated behaviors are due to the fact that the summer is coming to an end or if its just the last of their summers.
Joey works as a waiter for a hedonistic community of summer holiday makers in a small Mediterranean paradise. It is unclear if their exaggerated behaviors are due to the fact that the summer is coming to an end or if its just the last of their summers.
Joey works as a waiter for a hedonistic community of summer holiday makers in a small Mediterranean paradise. It is unclear if their exaggerated behaviors are due to the fact that the summer is coming to an end or if its just the last of their summers.
Assistant Camera
동방박사 3인이 별의 안내를 받아 갓 태어난 아기 예수를 경배하러 간다는 성서의 이야기를 모티브로 하는 영화. 삭막한 사막을 배경으로 세 명의 동방박사의 여정과 요셉과 마리아의 모습을 느리게 따라가는 독특한 형식 미학을 선보이며, 기존의 영화 문법과는 전혀 다른 새롭고 낯선 체험을 선사한다.