The battle for the release of her son Murat from Guantanamo catapults Turkish housewife Rabiye Kurnaz from her terraced house in Bremen straight into world politics and all the way to the Supreme Court in Washington. At her side is human rights lawyer Bernhard Docke - the reserved, level-headed lawyer and the temperamental Turkish mother with a wicked sense of humour – now fighting side-by-side to get Murat out.
세상에 드러나지 않은 가장 충격적인 복수극 히틀러와 괴벨스가 자살하며 제2차 세계대전이 끝나자, 살아남은 유대인 일부는 ‘나캄’(히브리어로 복수)이라는 비밀 결사를 조직한다. “눈에는 눈”이라는 구약의 가르침을 따르는 그들은
나치가 학살한 600만 명의 유대인에 대한 복수로
600만 명의 독일인을 살해할 계획을 세우는데...
This is the third and final part of the now famously successful trilogy, where Mr. Müller and his problem kids Chantal, Danger and Co. once again take up arms against their sworn enemy, the German education system.