Tati, an introspective 13 year old girl struggles to connect with her estranged father, Jaca, after he is released from prison in the turbulent wake of the Rio Olympics. As Brazilian Pacification Police battle to maintain a tenuous occupation of the surrounding Rio favelas, Tati and Jaca must navigate the clashing forces threatening to derail their hope for the future.
Executive Producer
요리가 세상에서 제일 좋은 열두살 에이브. 국적도 종교도 다른 엄마와 아빠 때문에 가족 식사는 항상 전쟁이다. 어떻게 하면 평화로운 식사를 할 수 있을까? 맛이 섞이면 마음도 섞일까? 밥상머리 세계대전을 끝내려는 꼬마 요리사 에이브의 유쾌한 요리가 시작된다!
It follows of Joe and Isabel's marriage, which is dying. A naked stranger is found floating in the pool at their holiday villa, and they invite her to stay. What kind of relief can she provide for this family in crisis?