In the southern Jiangxi region in the 1930s, in this place known as the "red cradle" of the Chinese revolution, there was a mother who sent her eight sons to the Red Army and rushed to the front lines of the battlefield. But the war was ruthless, and six of the brothers died one after another, leaving only the eldest brother Yang Daniu and the youngest child full of cubs.
전쟁에서 살아남은 심련은 황실호위대 금의위가 된다. 살인사건 수사 중 배후에 비밀 결사단의 정체를 알게 된다. 새로운 왕을 옹립하려는 결사단은 전국 곳곳에, 궁궐에서조차 암약하고 강직한 심련은 수사를 가속하지만 오히려 치명적인 음모에 빠진다. 홀로 결사단, 금의위, 황실방위군과 일대 결전을 벌이는데…