Chaz Ebert

Chaz Ebert

출생 : 1962-10-15, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Chaz Ebert is an American attorney and businesswoman.

프로필 사진

Chaz Ebert

참여 작품

Executive Producer
1920년대 뉴욕, 한 흑인 여인이 어린 시절 친구를 다시 만난다. 같은 흑인이지만 백인으로 살고 있는 친구. 그렇게 과거의 인연과 다시 엮인 후, 여인의 삶은 송두리째 흔들리기 시작한다.
90 Years of the Music Box Theatre
Nominated for two Chicago/Midwest Emmy awards including Outstanding Historical Documentary and Outstanding Off-Camera Directing, "90 Years of the Music Box Theatre" depicts filmmakers Werner Herzog, Lana Wachowski, Michael Shannon, Joe Swanberg, and more as they celebrate a 90-year-old cinema institution in Chicago, IL.
셀라 앤드 더 스페이즈
Executive Producer
5개의 파벌이 명문 홀드웰 기숙학교의 저변을 좌지우지한다. 그중 강력한 파벌인 '스페이드'의 맨 윗자리에는 셀라 서머스가 있다. 매력적이면서도 몰인정한 셀라는 가까이 할 사람과 쳐내야 할 사람을 고르면서 두려움과 애정의 대상으로 아슬아슬한 경계를 오간다.
Executive Producer
On the heels of the Civil Rights Movement, one fearless black pioneer reconceived a Harlem Renaissance for a new era, ushering giants and rising stars of black American culture onto the national television stage. He was hip. He was smart. He was innovative, political, and gay. In his personal fight for social equality, this man ensured the Revolution would be televised. The man was Ellis Haizlip. The Revolution was soul!
라이프 잇셀프
Self - Ebert's Wife
영화 평론가인 로저 에버트의 자서전을 바탕으로 제작되는 다큐멘터리로 마틴 스콜세지 감독이 제작을 맡는다.
The Empire of Ebony
Executive Producer
A documentary film following the rise of Ebony and Jet and their growth into a brand with a readership base in the millions which has had an undeniable effect on American culture.