William Kirschner

William Kirschner

프로필 사진

William Kirschner

참여 작품

Casanova 2
Dr. K
Set in the renaissance era, this prequel finds the great lover battling villains and saving maidens in a variety of hilarious experiences.
Marilyn And The Senator
William Margold stars as 'The Senator,' who, despite being married, agrees to impregnate a beautiful CIA agent. As complications ensue with the senator's ability to 'perform', his wife and associates become increasingly suspicious of his affairs, resulting in a myriad of bizzare plot twists and revelations.
The Danish Connection
Herbert Steele
Everyone wants the formula for male virility that Danish scientists have developed. Wealthy but impotent Herbert Steele, who desires his secretary, Kitty, is willing to pay $1,000,000 or more for the formula. He's hired private eye, Johnny Wadd, but Wadd has disappeared after a trip to Hawaii. So Steele hires Eric Jensen, a photographer and Don Juan who claims he can get the drug. Meanwhile, Dr. Livingston Presume is also searching for the formula and thinks Wadd has it or knows where it is. Presume kidnaps Wadd and subjects him to a unique torture in order to get into his memory and find out where the formula is hidden. Kitty has another idea.
Love Boccaccio Style
Four ribald short stories set in the Medieval age, each with a ribald bent. The tawdry tales involve a chastity belt, a man pretending to be deaf-mute to gain access to virgins in a convent school and an adulteress on death row who uses her charms to talk a magistrate out of her punishment.
The Orgy Machine
Dr. Werner von Sperm
Mad Scientist Dr. Werner von Sperm has created The Orgy Machine! It can see through walls, and it can control people's minds! Anyone brought under its influence turns from their normal pursuits to wild, crazed, sex! How much will countries pay him to avoid having their top people turned into sex-crazed libertines? He wants to find out!
Up Your Alley
Man at Party
A nerdy virgin who spends most of his waking hours dreaming about big-busted, naked women gets a job catering at a film festival party that is chock full of his "dream girls". Unfortunately, he finds himself involved in a Mafia jewel-smuggling plot and must impersonate a Mafia don who he has inadvertently caused to die of a heart attack.
스윗 스윗백스 배다스 송
십대 초반인 스윗백(마리오 반 피블스 분)은 유흥가에서 일하고 있는데 그 중 한 매춘부는 오르가즘에 도달하면 스윗백의 별명을 외친다. 어른이 된 스윗백(멜빈 반 피블스)은 로스앤젤레스의 섹스쇼에 출연하며 생계를 유지한다. 어느 날 두 명의 백인 경찰이 인권운동가인 흑인 무무 (허버트 스칼스 분)을 잔인하게 구타하는 것을 보고 스윗백은 그 경찰들을 무참히 폭행하게 되는데...
The Flanders and Alcott Report on Sexual Response
Dr. Christian Meadows
Hey! Want to see a bizarre blend of Sci-Fi, S&M and drooling psychedelic hardcore madness? (I didn’t think so.) But The Sex Machine is breathtaking in its weirdness. It reaches new levels of fucked-upness. Take a gander at this plot. "The Meadows Foundation" is a research laboratory run by dedicated scientist Dr. Flanders and his shapely assistant Dr. Phyllis Alcott (CHERI ROSTAND), an Ivory Snow blonde. The place was named after their leader, Dr. Meadows, "an underground practicing abortionist." The two doctors, dressed in lab coats and clutching clipboards, conduct experiments on "surrogates" - people whose libidos are damaged. Mainly, they hook up battery cables to naked, spread-eagled women.
Mr. Harris
A middle-aged man is having problems trying to regain his sexual drive. He leaves behind his old life and tries to discover a simpler happiness through painting and meeting new friends. Wanting to save him from a sexless fate, his friend (director Carlos Tobalina in a supporting role) attempts to solve the mystery of his sexual shortcomings, through any means possible. Filled with incredible footage of Las Vegas, the Sierra Nevada and elsewhere, as well as subplots involving kidnapping, and even a bit of unexpected gore, filmmaker Carlos Tobalina’s debut feature is a totally unique sexploitation experiment that showcases many of the stylistic touches that would become his trademarks, along with a cast of beautiful starlets, including Sharon Matt and Marsha Jordan.
The Harem Bunch
Three beautiful Israeli spies go undercover and infiltrate a terrorist training camp, but are discovered, captured and interrogated (in various stages of nudity).
The Quick and the Dead
Dr. Romano
A small group of soldiers capture a German observation post, but in turn are captured themselves. They soon escape and--with the aid of two women--try to fight their way to safety.
안네의 일기
Workman in Shop (uncredited)
1934년 여름 히틀러가 집권하자 안네 가족은 프랑크프루트를 뗘나 네덜란드 암스테르담에 정착하게 된다. 불안한 생활 가운데에서도 한동안 평화로운 생활이 계속되는 안네의 가족. 그러나 1941년 네덜란드를 침공하고 암스테르담에서의 유태인 검거와 처형에 혈안이 된 나찌들의 횡포가 더욱 심해지자 안네의 가족은 불안한 하루하루를 보내게 된다. 그로부터 1년 후 안네의 언니 마르코프가 출두 명령을 받게 되고 다음 달, 안네의 가족을 비롯하여 반단씨 가족과 그의 아들이자 안네의 연인 피터, 의사인 뒤셀씨 등은 미리 준비해 두었던 은신처로 옮겨 은둔 생활에 들어간다. 그러나 2년이 넘는 은둔생활 중 게슈타포에 의해 발각되고 이들은 폴란드의 유태인 수용소를 전전하다가 그 다음해 안네의 아버지를 제외한 모든 사람들이 죽음을 당하게 된다. 세월이 흘러 독일이 패망한 후 안네의 아버지는 자신의 가족들이 독일군의 눈을 피해 숨어 지냈던 다락방에서 안네의 일기장을 발견하게 되는데.