Isa Mari

참여 작품

달콤한 인생
Script Supervisor
삼류 신문의 사교계 담당 신문기자인 마르첼로는 사치스럽고 방탕한 생활을 하던 중 우연히 한결같이 반복되는 일상사에 진력을 내는 마달레나라는 여인을 만나 사귀게 된다. 마달레나는 마르첼로에게 고혹적인 분위기를 지닌 매춘부, 아르디아나를 소개시켜준다. 스스로도 주체할 수 없는 자신의 방탕한 생활에 회의를 느끼던 그는 어느 날 절친한 친구 스타이너가 자살했다는 소식을 듣고 더욱 실의에 빠지면서 삶의 가치와 의미에 대해 회의를 품게된다.
Hell in the City
A young girl comes to prison and experiences the entire prison subculture. The inmates she befriends vary from big tough dangerous dames to smaller submissive ladies who are totally lost in prison life.
Non sono più guaglione
A mechanic falls in love with a girl who aspires to become a diva.
L'incantevole nemica
Script Supervisor
The owner of a cheese factory fears communists and mistakes a meek youth who works for him for one of them. He invites him to his house to win his confidence and the youth falls in love with his daughter.
La paura fa 90
Script Supervisor
A ghost who has spent 400 years in a trunk because of a jealous husband tries to take revenge on a descendant of the man but all in all he's a good bloke and when he gets the occasion he helps a youth wrongly accused of murder.
Greetings and sons!
Script Supervisor
Three friends, a mechanic, a clockmaker, and a night warden are engaged to three sisters but are broke and cannot get married and pay the rent. They convince their future father-in-law to buy three little flats for them but the man buys them from a swindler and the friends run the risk of going to prison.