Héctor Noguera
출생 : 1937-07-08, Santiago, Chile
Sergio Graf
하루 아침에 난치성 질환 환자가 된 세르히오는 지금까지 의사로서는 느끼지 못했던 의료 시스템의 불편함과 부당함을 온몸으로 겪게 된다. 제대로 가눌 수 없는 몸뚱이, 치료비를 걱정하는 아내, 병간호 중에도 아웅다웅 하는 자녀들, 죽음의 공포 속에서 이제 그에게 남은 것은 자신의 경험담을 기록해 환자로서, 아버지로서, 그리고 인간으로서 존엄성을 회복하기 위해 애쓰는 것뿐이다.
The life and experiences of six emblematic Chilean actors. One by one, they relate aspects of their trajectories, origin and dreams, reliving and analyzing not only their careers, but also happy and historical moments that marked their lives.
Werner, a stubborn and secretly romantic widower, would die in solitude if it weren’t for Teresa. Although the two elders already have their everyday rituals for dealing with solitude, and the vicissitudes of old age, lately Teresa seems aloof, unhappy. To cheer her up, the old man prepares a celebration in their house, but he has a problem: almost all of their friends are dead. While Werner struggles to get everything ready, and Teresa gets dolled up, someone else is helping them with “the guests”.
Senator Barros-Sanfuentes
When the World is immersed in total darkness by a mysterious phenomenon, an everyday student must decide between staying righteous or give himself to his own dark side.
권력에 저항한 정치인이자 민중을 대변하는 칠레의 전설적인 시인 ‘네루다’. 공개적으로 정부를 비난한 그를 잡아오라는 대통령의 명령을 받은 비밀경찰 ‘오스카’는 도피를 위해 아내 ‘델리아’와 함께 은둔생활을 하는 ‘네루다’의 흔적을 밤낮 없이 쫓는다. 아이러니하게도 은둔생활이 길어질수록 ‘네루다’는 세계적 영웅이 되어가고, 그를 잡아야만 하는 ‘오스카’조차 그가 남긴 책 속 문장들에 매료되고 마는데…
Hector Noguera recalls his long trajectory that extends for more than fifty years through the poetic text of Calderón de la Barca "Life is a dream".
Miguel Echazarreta
A group of senior people will unite against the evil plan of a Spanish businessman who wants to get Chile out of Latin America to annex it to Europe.
Jacobo Kaplan
Jacob Kaplan lives an ordinary life in Uruguay. Like many of his other Jewish friends, Jacob fled Europe for South America because of World War II. But now turning 76, he is grumpy and in need of adventure. An unexpected opportunity to achieve greatness comes in the form of a quiet, elderly German, who Mr Kaplan believes to be a runaway Nazi. Determined to capture this Nazi, as Eichmann was captured before him, Mr Kaplan surprises everyone when he takes up this challenge.
A man who has recently lost his wife and forced to retire contemplates suicide. His friends take him on a trip to a senior resort, and invite his former sweetheart.
Iñaki Martiarena
A young Spanish girl develops an acute emotional crisis after her mother's death. When a letter written by the deceased mother surfaces, the grieving daughter departs to South America for answers.
Doctor Roth
Could a brilliant composer's music actually be killing his loved ones? Eliseo can't help but believe it when his younger sister dies tragically and then his pianist Georgina suddenly dies on the piano. Completely traumatized, Eliseo is taken to a mental hospital where he can find escape only through music.
Gathered by a theater company, a small town in Chile called Villa Alegre, looks deep into its origins and myths to tell their own history through a play.
Luis Cousiño
Lota, 1897. In the depths of the largest coal mine in the world, a great rebellion is brewing inside a man's heart.
Luis Miguel Suerte
A bittersweet drama covering 30 years in the lives of group of friends united by their devotion to the theatre, 30 Ans begins in Paris in 1974, when Aurelian, his girlfriend Barbara, and childhood friend Antoine form a theatre. Taking the plight of Pinochet's oppressed Chile as its cause, the theatre attracts the involvement of Jeanne, a young actress who immediately sparks the attentions of both Aurelian and Antoine. When Chilean dissident actor Luis is brought to the theatre by Barbara's diplomat father, Jeanne falls in love with him, and the two carry out an affair that ends when a sudden development causes Jeanne to disappear. 8 years later, Aurelian has a new girlfriend and is directing a travelling troupe, and Antoine is a high-priced image consultant who gets his old friend a gig at Dunkirk. Aurelian, deeply immersed in a mid-life crisis, still loves Jeanne, continuing to carry a picture of the enigmatic actress in his wallet and writing about her in his diary.
Teresa is a girl from Chilean aristocracy. She lives a double life, at day she dresses very elegant and fancy, while at night she assist to high society meetings at the Crillon Hotel in Santiago, where diplomats and wealthy people meet. However, her family is economically ruined after a bad sale of her father's mines and they have to live at Romero Street, where the working class lives.
An architect witness the brutal massacre by the police of an anti-government meeting and escapes to a remote archipelago.
Father Patricio
A Chilean teacher, Ramiro, is sentenced to internal exile in a southern town where tidal waves often appear. He falls for a woman, Maite, whose father asks him to take her away. Although he gets his freedom he doesn't leave and when the water rises, Maite and her father die, and Ramiro flees to the hills.
In the late 1980s, a politically neutral photographer in Pinochet's Chile is still struggling to come to terms with the "disappearance" of his activist brother in the Villa Grimaldi torture centre back in 1975.
Emilio Farías
The journey of a retired music teacher who witnesses the detention of a former student by the security agencies of dictatorship. This strong experience leads him to give up on a dream trip to Europe and to begin an intense search for the student's relatives and make them know about what has happened to him.
Exiled Chilean director Patricio Guzmán filmed in Cuba and in Venezuela to create this controversial statement on the creation and survival of Latin American culture from the late-15th century to the present. For some viewers, the film will be superficially symbolic and rhetorical, for others, it will be a strong and personal vision of several centuries of history.
Paolo San Fuentes
A middle-class public employee becomes obsessed with the investment alternatives offered by the neo-liberal economic model that Chile has implemented in the late 1970s. Years later he shall face the consequences.of his past decisions.
Tupamaro Leader
우루과이의 몬테 비데오. 독재정권이 이에 항거하는 젊은이들과 지식인들을 체포, 투옥시키고, 자백을 강용하는 고문이 자행된다. 미국인 필립 산토레는 A.I.D. 직원으로 파견된 인물. 운동권 조직인 투파마로 단에 브라질 영사와 함께 그가 납치되면서 그에 대한 언론과 여론의 관심이 집중된다. 그의 실제 정체는 무엇이었을까. 투파마로 단의 심문으로 그의 정체가 파헤쳐진다. 필립 산토레는 표면적으로는 평범한 미국 시민에 A.I.D. 직원으로 위장하고 있지만, 실제로는 미국 경찰서장이었던 것으로 드러난다. 이러한 사실들은 투파마로 단이 언론사에 보내는 성명서로 낱낱이 공개된다.의회는 비로소 나라의 진정한 독립에 대해 생각하게 되고, 각 정당 대표들로 구성된 의회의 조사위원회는 경찰 내부의 고질적인 고문의 실상을 파헤친다. 투파마로 단이 산토레와 브라질 대사를 납치한 목적은 투옥된 정치범들의 석방을 위해 교환하려 했던 것. 그들이 그러한 교환조건을 내걸자 교환조건을 받아들일 것을 요구하는 국내외 여론의 압력에 대통령은 사임할 수밖에 없는 입장에 몰린다. 그러나 마침 그때 경찰은 미겔을 포함한 투파마로 단의 수뇌부 몇사람을 체포하기에 이른다. 그것으로 한 풀 꺾인 투파마로 단은 정부에, 자신들의 요구가 받아들여지지 않을 경우, 산토레를 처형하겠다고 최후통첩을 한다. 그러나 수뇌부의 검거로 이미 기선을 잡은 정부의 입장은 강경하다. 미국 역시 산토레를 희생 시킴으로써 실익이 많다고 판단, 개입하지 않는다. 투파마로 단의 이미지를 폭력적으로 여론에 심어줄 기회기 때문에 투파마로 단은 두 갈래 길에 놓인다.
A man squanders all of his wife's fortune in gambling and drinking. Now in financial crisis, the woman tries to keep their home afloat, while he plays, gets drunk and lives off his friends charity and good will.
Based on an actual murder case that ignited a furious debate over the death penalty in Chile in 1960, this experimental social drama portrays the life and death of an illiterate peasant who, while drunk, murdered the woman with whom he had a relationship and her five children.
This documentary shows the inhuman conditions on which the patients of Iquique's Psychiatric Hospital live.
Through images showing the precarious conditions in which the poorest families in the country live, and the testimonies of the mothers themselves, a denunciation of child malnutrition in Chile is made. It also shows a hospital ward and babies in a state of extreme malnutrition, and images of a funeral, in which the coffin is evidently that of a child. The narration provides facts and figures that reinforce the magnitude of the problem.
A family on the brink of bankruptcy decides to do dirty jobs undercover by the government to overcome their condition.