Michael Vincent Berry

Michael Vincent Berry

프로필 사진

Michael Vincent Berry

참여 작품

브레이브 온 파이어
‘데이브’(피터 파시넬리)는 임신 8개월차인 아내 ‘세라’(피오나 듀리프)와 달리기에 재능을 보이는 아들 ‘클레이’(애셔 앤젤)와 함께 일상적이지만 행복한 나날을 보내고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 멀지 않은 지역에서 산불이 발생하고, 별 일 아닐 것이라 생각했던 것과 달리 불길은 걷잡을 수 없이 번지기 시작하며 ‘데이브’ 가족의 숨통을 조여온다. 통신 불가, 우발적인 교통사고, 갑작스런 부상의 위기 속에서 ‘데이브’ 가족은 불길을 피해 무사히 탈출할 수 있을까?
Utility Worker
A widower and his deaf daughter are held hostage and forced to dig under their house, revealing dark secrets from the past.
Last of the Grads
Sheriff Murray
A class of graduating high school seniors, nearing the crossroads of their lives, celebrate their last night together at the annual school lock-in. They never could have guessed that they’re about to encounter the harbinger of death, the legendary “Coast to Coast Killer”.
Innocent Boy
Off a lonely Texas highway, a group of hustlers prey on the desperados who have come for sex, drugs and Mommas special milk. When a murderous cowboy rolls into town, a young trans boy quickly sees an opportunity to feed the physical and emotional hunger that has long been ignored by the neglectful Momma. As the boys begin to fall one by one, Penny is caught between the Cowboys lustful rage, and the greed and corruption that Momma represents.
July Rising
Ron Benoff
When sixteen-year old Andy inherits her grandfather's orchard and becomes the ward of her aunt from the city, she must navigate the path to her future from a small town where choice and agency have never been options for young women.