huda haddad

huda haddad

출생 : 1946-08-15, Lebanon


Hoda Haddad was born shortly after the Lebanese independence (born August 15, 1944) to a modest family in the capital city of Lebanon, Beirut. Her parents were Wadih Haddad, a print worker, and Lisa Boustany, a housewife. She had two sisters Nouhad (known by her artistic name Fairuz), Amal, and a brother Joseph. Hoda comes from the Chouf district as her husband Chawki Ziade. She has two children: Dina and Joseph. Hoda Haddad joined her sister, the great artist Fairuz, in most of her artistic work, even though she only occasionally performs short roles. This did not prevent her from achieving a lot of glory and fame, which accompanies both Rahbani’s songs and participation in her huge successful works of films and plays.[2] The series is called “Yawm Yawm Liyum” (Day of the Year), the first part of 1972, and the second part of 1979. She sang with her sister Fairuz in the play “Mays Al-Reem”, “Lulu”, “Sahrat Hob” and “Petra” (Petra) in 1977.[3] There was also the play “Akher Ayyam Sikrat” by Mansour Rahbani in 1998, and finally “Opera al-Dayaa” in 2009. The lyrics were presented by the program in 1971. Riadh Sharara also presented the show “Sahour and Ghounieh”, in which she sang for the first time the song “Khalini Hobak”, with lyrics by Ziad al-Rahbani.

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huda haddad

참여 작품

Mays Al-Reem
The play takes place in the village of Mays Al-Reem, which Zayoun (Fayruz) arrives on her way to Kazaa Kahlon to attend the wedding of her cousin, along with the wedding dress. Zayoun is a free, civil, and decision-making civilian girl. Her car broke down in Mays Al-Reem, and she asked about a car repair workshop in Al-Dayaa.
Safar Barlek
The film is set around 1914 when Lebanon was under the Ottoman Empire rule. The empire enslaved men to work for free. Abdou goes to get Adla the engagement ring but he's arrested with others and are taken to cut lumber. Meanwhile the Ottomans prevent the wheat from arriving to certain villages because they want to defuse the ongoing resistance operations led by Abou Ahmed. Adla travels to where some say Abdou is held prisoner and she meets with Abou Ahmed. She along other villagers start helping the resistance get the wheat to the people. When they accomplish their mission, Abou Ahmed, freed Abdou and others escape because now they're wanted, but on a promise to return and to continue fighting.
The Ring Seller
In a peaceful village, the mayor, seeing that the population is bored with tranquility, invents the mystical figure of Rajeh, and tells stories to villagers about the exploits of Rajeh, who kills and maims and steals. One day the mayor (Nasri Shamseddine) tells the villagers that Rajeh is heading to the village itself and they better be careful. Two smart men notice that the mayor was lying and that it is all his imagination. So they go on making good on the fictitious person and steal money and assault the mayor in the dark saying that they were Rajeh. Eventually, an old man with the name of Rajeh arrives in the village, amid public fears. Then it became obvious that Rajeh was merely a seller of rings for weddings and he wanted to marry his son to Fairuz the nephew of the mayor. The two bad guys willingly go to jail for making use of the mayor's joke.