Didier Sauvegrain

Didier Sauvegrain

출생 : 1950-09-12, France

프로필 사진

Didier Sauvegrain

참여 작품

외제니 그랑데
Felix Grandet reigns supreme in his modest house in Saumur where his wife and daughter Eugenie lead a distraction-free existence. Extremely avaricious, he does not take a favorable view of the beautiful parties who rush to ask for his daughter's hand. Nothing should damage the colossal fortune he hides from everyone. The sudden arrival of Grandet's nephew, an orphaned and ruined Parisian dandy, turns the young girl's life upside down.
Les mélancolies de Sade
Donatien Alphonse François de Sade
The Royal Exchange
Cardinal de Fleury
After many years of confrontation, the treasures of Spain and France are empty. In 1721, the regent of France draws up an ambitious plan to inaugurate an era of peace and prosperity that will heal the economies of both nations: his intention is to build a solid network of marriage alliances that will involve four children of very different ages who know nothing of betrayals and power games…
Lady Bar 2
Père de Jean
The sequel of Lady Bar follows Jean and Pat opening a match-making resort on a beautiful Thai island while Jean's friend Polo finds himself soul-searching in a buddhist monastry.
Mon père
I am there. I say nothing. In the lounge, the boxes still opened from our moving in. My father. My mother. Come to comfort me. Her father. Her mother. Incapable to say the words. To put into words what has happened. And outside, the rain. Diluvian. Improbable.
평범한 연인들
1968년 5월혁명 이후, 크리스티앙과 친구들은 아편을 피워대며 하루하루를 보낸다. 혼란스러운 혁명을 겪었지만, 그들의 일상은 여느 때와 다를 바 없다. 어느 날 크리스티앙은 첫눈에 릴리에게 반하고 사랑에 빠지지만, 한순간 타올랐던 불같은 사랑의 결말은 비극적이다.
늑대의 제국
Dr. Ackerman
파리의 제과점에서 일하며 남편을 경찰을 둔 평범한 아내 아나는 남편의 얼굴을 기억하지 못하는 등의 문제로 정신과 치료를 받는다. 주변 동료들이 결혼은 어떻게 했는지, 어떻게 만나게 되었는지를 묻지만 아나는 그런 것에 대한 기억이 전혀 없다. 사태의 심각성을 알고 남편이 권유한 생체검사에 겁이 난 아나는 남편 모르게 정신과 의사인 마틸다를 따로 찾아가 자신의 문제를 털어놓게 된다. 상담 과정 중 자신의 몸에 난 수술자국을 발견한 아나는 지금까지 자신이 성형수술을 받았으며 다른 사람으로 활동해 왔다는 사실을 알게 된다. 한편 프랑스의 터키인 구역에서 비슷한 외모의 터키 노동자의 살인사건이 잇따라 발생하자, 어머니가 살해당한 아픈기억을 가진 반장 폴은 퇴직 경찰 시페르를 찾아가 함께 수사에 착수한다. 수사가 거듭될수록 폴은 이 사건이 연쇄살인범의 소행이 아닌, 바로 성형으로 외모를 바꾸기 전 아나를 찾아 죽이기 위한 터키 마피아의 범죄 행각임을 알게 되는데...
Jean-Pierre is a hit man in Paris. He wants to stop; an incentive is reconnecting to Michelle, a childhood friend. He's ready to commit himself to her, but she has her own secrets: she sells bomb components to thugs. He hears rumors of a missing briefcase, which he finds in Michelle's flat. He asks no questions, and soon both of them are in trouble with Jean-Pierre's ex-employer and with her bomb buyers. Two other characters complicate the maneuvering: Jean-Pierre's best friend, who's always losing money on the ponies, and the ex-employer's new contract killer, a seemingly fragile woman. Is there any way that Jean-Pierre can protect Michelle and escape with his life? Written by
킹스 앤 퀸
Le chirurgien
Shortly before her wedding, art gallery director Nora travels from Paris to Grenoble to visit her preteen son, Elias, who is spending time with her aging professor father, Louis, recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. During her stay, she reaches out to her former lover, Ismael, a viola player and father figure to Elias who has been committed against his will to a mental hospital. Ismael, however, has his own problems to sort out.
Armand Thirard
이 영화에서는 두 남자의 숙명을 이야기 한다. 영화 감독 보조인 쟝 드베브르는 프랑스 영화들을 제작하는 독일 영화사 콘티넨탈에서 일을 하게 되며, 그곳에서 항독 운동자의 은밀한 활동들을 위장하기 위한 방법들을 찾아 낸다. 시나리오 작가이며 시인인 쟝 오렌슈는 독일이 제안하는 모든 일들을 거절 하며 단지 펜과 글로써 독일에 저항한다. (제2회 서울 프랑스 영화제 소개)
Victor Schœlcher, l'abolition
Alfred de Musset
The struggle of Victor Schœlcher for the abolition of slavery in the French colonies.
Le cri de la soie
Docteur Bellec
An illiterate seamstress has a powerful fetish for silk which gets her into trouble. The psychiatrist sent to help her becomes fascinated by her case and when he returns to France from World War One they fall in love, an affair that can only end in tragedy.
잔다르크 Ⅰ: 전투
Raoul de Gaucourt
영국과 프랑스 간의 백년 전쟁이 막바지로 치닫고 있는 1429년. 프랑스는 오를레앙가와 부르고뉴가 간의 왕권 다툼으로 혼란에 빠져 있다. 동레미에 살고 있던 농부의 딸인 잔은 영국과 부르고뉴가의 협공으로 위기에 처한 오를레앙을 위해 싸우기로 결심한다. 그는 머리를 짧게 자르고 검술을 익힌 후 황태자의 부하인 보드리쿠르라는 기사를 찾아간다. (2016 한국시네마테크협의회 - 자크 리베트 회고전)
잔다르크 Ⅱ : 감금
Raoul de Gaucourt
프랑스 왕위에 오른 샤를은 측근들의 영향으로 영국과 정전 협정을 맺고, 파리를 탈환하려는 의욕을 완전히 상실하고 만다. 잔다르크는 영국군을 상대로 승승장구하며 왕을 위해 파리를 탈환할 준비가 되어있었지만 왕은 그런 잔다르크를 제지한다. 왕으로부터 아무런 도움도 받지 못하게 된 잔다르크는 그래도 영국 편인 파리 외곽 도시들과 전투를 계속해나간다. 그러나 잔다르크는 파리 탈환에 실패해 부르고뉴 사람들에게 붙잡히는 신세가 되고, 자기 아버지의 목을 벤 샤를 왕을 증오하는 필립 왕자에 의해 영국인들에게 넘겨져 종교재판에 회부된다. 정치적인 함정에 빠진 잔다르크는 신의 메신저로서 남자의 옷을 입었다는 진술을 취소하지 않으면 사형 당할 처지에 놓이게 되고, 루앙에서 주교로부터 주장을 굽히지 않으면 화형에 처해질 것이라는 말을 듣는다. 잔다르크는 모든 걸 포기하고 목숨을 이어가기로 결심하지만 사악한 주교는 그녀에게 영국 감옥에 갇혀 평생을 보낼 것을 선고하는데...
Le beauf
Gilbert, assigned to incinerate old banknotes at the Bank of France, lives with his wife, Gisèle, and his young son, Thomas. A few years earlier, he had formed a rock band with Serge and Gisèle's brother, Marc. The latter, abusing his naivety, make him believe that he has been robbed of a briefcase containing a million dollars and that, because of his fault, Marc is in danger of dying. The objective is to force Gilbert to put his incinerator out of order to facilitate the bank robbery. Gilbert refuses at first, then gives in. But he discovers that he has been cheated. To get revenge, he tells the police the date and time of the robbery.
Doctor Henric
On 2 January 1899, starting from the French Sudan, a French column under the command of the captains Voulet and Chanoine is sent against the black Sultan Rabah in what is now the Cameroon. Those captains and their African mercenary troops destroy and kill everything they find on their path. The French authorities try to stop them sending orders and a second troop but the captains kill the emissaries who reach them. Sarraounia, queen of the Aznas, have heard about the exactions. Clever in war tactics and in witchcraft, she decides to resist and stop those mad men.
The Syringe
Le chef des 'Justiciers'
Good dope is becoming rare in the North of Paris. Drugstores are being raided by junkies and gangs are nervous, fighting each others: the 'Viets', the 'Blackies', the 'Arabs', the neo-nazis 'Justiciers' and some mean gays. Vincent (Daniel Auteuil) is the good cop coming from Marseilles where he was a gangster. He's a soft method guy but also kicks assses hard and throw lethal dialog lines when needed. With the precious help of 'l'Arbalète'* (Marisa Berenson**), a tox' prostitute ex-member of Vincent's former gang, he will try to put order in that mess. There's also a violent and racist cop (Marcel Bozzuffi), Algeria veteran with hard methods, whose role could be more than to protect and to serve.
형사 조르당
Marc Villa, assassin d'Alfred
쟝-뽈 벨몽도가 형사로 나오는 프랑스 액션 영화.
Five highly-trained KGB agents are sent to the west to assassinate several Soviet dissidents. In order to stop the diabolical plot, an American agent must infiltrate Soviet intelligence and obtain information from a Russian computer.
Three years ago Ariane left Antoine, sending him a postcard announcing her departure for the mountains with a certain Alexandre. After a long journey abroad, Antoine returns to the site of his former relationship, where he meets Alfred, recently abandoned by Ariane.
La Flambeuse
A woman on the brink of middle age becomes bored and takes up playing cards. She becomes hooked on gambling and begins to neglect her husband and children.
L'homme fragile
Michel Teillay
A middle class leftist man of the Seventies decade, starting to show signs of aging and a loss of identity, runs away from his commitments.
Royal Vacation
Informative but not dramatically charged, this fictional documentary looks at an incident in 1976 when a group of dissidents were forcibly exiled to an island hotel in order to keep them silenced during the visit of King Carlos of Spain to France. This pseudo-documentary features a Canadian filmmaker who is looking into the group of dissidents. He interviews them to get the story of what happened recorded for posterity. Among the group was another man of Spanish ancestry who suddenly arrived on the island but managed to find a way out. His future exploits are brought into question since there are certain terrorist connotations to his character.
Une robe noire pour un tueur
The "black robe" in the title of this suspense film belongs to a female lawyer, Florence Nat who has just lost a case in which she defended Simon Risler, a man wrongly accused of murder. Risler escapes before he can be put in prison, and seeks help from attorney Nat in finding the real killer, partly by going after the police inspector who framed him in the first place. A retired surgeon, in the process of setting up a drug rehab clinic gets involved in solving Risler's case, and soon the solution seems to be pointing to high-ranking figures with every desire and ample means to keep the truth well-hidden.
Umbrella Coup
Stanislas Lefort, dit Constantin Patakis, alias Pierre Juvet, dit 'La Folle'
Grégoire Lecomte, the unlucky actor anxious to find a "real job", goes to take a screen test for a role of a killer, but gets to mafiosi by mistake. He takes their don for a producer, and they mistake him for a hitman with whom they had an appointment. Deluded Lecomte signs contract with them. He is supposed to kill gun dealer Otto Krampe at his birthday party in Saint-Tropez by piercing him with a cap of the umbrella with a built-in syringe with potassium cyanide. Lecomte is not aware that it has to be a real murder.
이카루스의 비밀
Karl Eric Daslow
이번에 새로 선출된 대통령이 취임과 함께 시가 행진 행사를 개최한다. 인파에 둘러싸여 시민들의 환호를 받던 대통령은 갑작스러운 총성과 함께 쓰러지고 만다. 현장은 아수라장이 되고, 사람들은 비명을 지르며 흩어진다. 잠시 후, 인근 건물의 엘리베이터에서 권총으로 스스로 목숨을 끊은 듯한 청년의 시체가 발견된다. 얼마 후, 이 전대미문의 사건에 대한 조사가 마무리되어 결과 발표를 앞둔다. 그런데 지방검사 앙리가 조사위원회의 결과에 동의하지 않고, 결국 사건 조사는 원점으로 되돌아간다. 재조사를 맡게 된 앙리는 저격수의 단독범행 가설에 의문을 제기한다. 미국 대통령 존 F. 케네디 암살과 그 사건의 조사 과정을 모티브로 한 대담한 작품으로, 가상의 도시에서 벌어진 대통령 암살사건을 둘러싼 의혹과 음모, 사건의 진실을 파헤치려는 한 검사의 끈질긴 노력을 그린다. 진실에 다가가려는 검사 앙리 역에 이브 몽탕이 열연했다.
Dossier 51
French diplomat Dominique Auphal is put under surveillance by an unnamed secret service. They wish to find a weakness in his life in order to control him politically. Auphal becomes "File no. 51": his private life is spied, analysed and commented.
Surprise Sock
Following a car accident, four men find themselves in the hospital, where they sow discord. Meanwhile, their wives take full advantage of their newfound freedom.
로즈 투 더 사우스
Soldier Korpik
France, 1975. Jean, an exiled Spanish Communist, is a successful screenwriter who, after a tragic event, struggles with his political commitment, his love for his country, under the boot of General Franco, whose death he and his comrades have waited for years, and his complicated relationship with his son. (A sequel to “The War Is Over,” 1966.)
The $2 Haircut
André Lalande
The furniture factory in which all the young guys in this film work is also full of older workers who make fun of their long hair, which for them is a badge of their independence. The boss, particularly, thinks long hair on men is dirty. When they refuse to cut their hair, he finds an excuse to fire them. The meaning of long hair is felt particularly deeply for one fellow, a painter, who, when he succumbs to his fathers' pleas that he cut his hair, turns his paintings to the wall and burns himself to death.
Et avec les oreilles qu'est-ce que vous faites?
Two friends, Arthur and Jérôme, want to make a film. After much hesitation, they give up their primary aspirations and opt for a trendy theme: eroticism! Benefiting from a tidy sum of money, all they have to do is find the ideal cast. But the tandem is far from imagining that this somewhat crazy project will completely change their existence.