A devil-girl with the face of an angel and a heart of gold, blond Betty falls in love with an earthbound gangster, Danpei Kimogawa, when they meet in a rainstorm. They end up living together in a Tokyo highrise apartment, though Danpei has trouble coping with his new witch and demon in-laws dropping in at inopportune moments. Betty has actually been sent to the human world on a mission to defeat the demon Lutan. While Betty continues her task, her skeletal grandmother sends nubile nymphs to tempt Danpei and see if he is suitable husband material. Based on the manga Mamonogatari itoshi no beti.
로버트 루이스 스티븐슨 원작의 을 주인공을 제외하고 동물 캐릭터로 의인화시킨 작품. 토에이 창립 20주년 기념작이자, 실질적인 토에이 극장 아니메 제1기를 마감하는 작품으로 전성기 시절의 A형 대작 스태프들이 최후의 심혈을 기울여 완성했다. 특히 에서의 대활약으로 이케다 히로시 감독에게 신임을 얻은 미야자키 하야오가 더 많은 범위에 걸쳐 자신의 색깔을 담아 놓게 되는데, 비밀을 지닌 여주인공과 미워할 수 없는 악당이 등장하는 미야자키식 인물 설정 구도도 이 작품에서 처음으로 엿보이기 시작한다.
In this influential* cult-classic animated film based on Japanese folklore, Susano is the youngest son of Izanagi and Izanami, the heavenly couple who created the Earth. Still a young boy, Susano is devastated by the passing away of his mother. Determined to find her despite the reprimands of his father, he embarks on a journey to find his brother and his sister for spiritual guidance. *Genndy Tartakovsky identifies this film as a primary influence on the direction and design of his TV series Samurai Jack (2001–2004; 2017). Yōichi Kotabe was a character animator on the film, and used it as inspiration for the art direction of the video game The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2002). Tomm Moore, director of the Oscar-nominated films The Secret of Kells (2009), Song of the Sea (2014), and Wolfwalkers (2020), has identified the film as a major influence.