아이돌의 매니저가 한 사설탐정을 찾아온다. 공연이 예정된 사흘 안에 행방불명된 한 멤버를 찾아 달라는 의뢰를 위해서다. 탐정은 사건의 진상을 파악하기 위해 한 명씩 멤버들을 인터뷰 한다. 아이돌 멤버들은 차례로 저주에 걸린 듯 공포에 빠져 들게 되고, 탐정은 이들의 저주에 문제의 카세트테이프가 있다는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 카세트테이프에 녹음된 목소리의 정체를 찾아가던 탐정은 저주의 이면에 있던 충격적 진실을 맞닥뜨리게 된다.
In a situation where location shooting was difficult due to the Corona pandemic, four omnibus horror films that could be shot in the school were planned as the graduation project for the technical area students. Four horrific events with completely different themes and stories take place.
Norio and his girlfriend, Mari Tanabe, have been dating for three years. They lived a peaceful life until one summer day, where Norio comes home to experience a peculiar sensation. The moment he sees the strong sun rays shining into his apartment, he realizes that Mari isn’t there. Instead, he finds an unfamiliar-looking woman who tells him that she is here to live with him. The eerie pale-skinned woman then introduces herself as Mari..