Xiong Yuting

Xiong Yuting

출생 : 1994-11-16, Pingxiang, Jiangxi, China

프로필 사진

Xiong Yuting

참여 작품

Song Ci: Deadly Poem Case
Deadly Sniper 2
Xu Sanxi
During WWII Yang Haotian, a soldier of the New Fourth Army, is leading his fallen comrades: soldiers Feng Siyu and Xiaohu with hygienist Dou Hua'er. They meet Qin Yu, a National Army informant who is being pursued by the Japanese, at Misty Cloud Ridge. The two sides, with the help of the hunter's daughter, Sanxi, go from hostility to cooperation and work together to resist the dangers of the sky and fight against the Japanese. Using their respective strengths, the men succeed in stopping the Japanese plan to track and intercept them, buying precious time for the successful delivery of the information.
적인걸 2021: 분천이화
주나라 위주가 가뭄과 역병으로 백성이 도탄에 빠져 있는 상황에서 만족 군이 평화를 깨고 공격하기 시작한다. 수사 천재 적인걸은 사건의 실마리를 하나씩 풀어가는 도중 위주를 휩쓴 역병에 음모가 있음을 알게 되고 숨겨진 진실을 파헤치기 시작하는데...
The Ten Tigers of Guangdong: Good Fortune of Huang Cheng
Princess He Sha