Mary Barnett

참여 작품

미국 현대무용의 선구자 중 한 명인 흑인 안무가 앨빈 에일리. 영화는 힙합 안무가 레니 해리스가 앨빈 에일리에 대한 새로운 무용극을 준비하는 과정과 알빈 에일리의 작품세계를 촘촘히 엮으며 그가 오늘날 미국 무용계와 사회 전반에 남긴 유산을 기록한다. 1931년 짐크로우법 시대에 텍사스 시골에서 태어난 앨빈 에일리는 아프리카계 미국인들의 정체성과 역사에서 영감을 받은 새로운 움직임을 미국 현대 무용에 도입하고, 58년 앨빈 에일리 어메리칸 댄스 시어터를 창립한다. 개척자였던 그는 늘 외로웠지만, 그가 뿌린 씨앗은 오늘날 미국 현대무용의 풍요로운 기반이 되었다. (2021년 제17회 제천국제음악영화제 / 김소혜)
An Evening with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Art Direction
Dazzling, brash and dynamic, yet equally graceful and poetic. DIVINING was Judith Jamison's first major work as a choreographer for Ailey, evoking a strong feeling for African tribal ritual, is set to hauntingly rhythmic drum music. REVELATIONS, often describes as the company's signature tune, has become an American classic. It expresses Ailey's intense feelings for his roots, with Ailey's vivid "blood memories" of the blues, spirituals, gospel music, ragtime and folk songs as well as the hard life of the Southern black during the Depression. Set to Modern Jazz, THE STUCK-UP takes place in modern-day Harlem, about the cruel reality of urban street life as a young man is destroyed by drugs. CRY, choreographed by Alvin Ailey in 1971 for Judith Jamison, is one of his most famous pieces. Created as a birthday present for his mother, it is Ailey's tribute to black women and inspires moving emotions with its portrayal of struggle, anger and most importantly, its feeling of celebration.
The Jerk, Too
Navin Johnson heads to Los Angeles to attend the wedding of his pen pal, Marie. On the way, he runs across a gang of hobos whose leader, Diesel, takes him to Las Vegas after learning of his skills at poker.