Lara Vilanova

Lara Vilanova

출생 : , Barcelona, Spain

프로필 사진

Lara Vilanova

참여 작품

The Female Side Effect
After the death of a patient, Crimera Pharmaceuticals, assigns the task of finding out what happened to Dr. Elena Pizano, a clinical trial analyst. She must do this with the help of the efficient and reliable artificial intelligence entity: KODA. During her findings she will come across data gaps in one of the drugs being studied, uncovering a darker truth in the world of medicine. As the organizations try to hide the information, she must decide how to handle the secrets she's just uncovered.
The Female Side Effect
Director of Photography
After the death of a patient, Crimera Pharmaceuticals, assigns the task of finding out what happened to Dr. Elena Pizano, a clinical trial analyst. She must do this with the help of the efficient and reliable artificial intelligence entity: KODA. During her findings she will come across data gaps in one of the drugs being studied, uncovering a darker truth in the world of medicine. As the organizations try to hide the information, she must decide how to handle the secrets she's just uncovered.
Suna, fifty year old, a poor woman with no income, finds a place to stay by marrying an old man. Suna hates making love with her husband. Her restless heart won't give her or anyone close to him peace. She gets depressed. She drinks alcohol secretly. She meets someone and has bad experiences in there.
Director of Photography
90세 리타는 여성 합창단원이다. 시 보조금을 받지 못하게 된 합창단은 해체 위기에 놓여 있다. 방법은 하나. 대기 오염의 주범인 기업으로부터 후원을 받는 것이다. 단원들은 이 문제를 두고 연일 설전을 벌이고 리타는 별다른 의견을 내지 않고 침묵을 지킨다. 대기 오염으로 건강이 나빠진 아들이 회사와 협의 중이기 때문이다. 기업의 후원을 받으려는 쪽과 자력으로 합창단을 운영하자는 쪽이 팽팽하게 대립하는 가운데 리타의 고민과 갈등은 깊어져만 간다.
Director of Photography
Izaro and Clara, two teenagers of 17, work as supervisors at the summer camps. On a hot day, Clara kisses her friend passionately. Izaro, full of desire but stunned, is barely able to handle what has happened, but she is ready to follow Clara wherever she wants to take her.
Horses Die at Dawn
When Ione moves into the house of the deceased García siblings, she discovers that their rebel spirit still remains in the many objects they left behind. Antonio worked as a comic book artist for the Bruguera publishing house and Rosita was a pianist and opera singer. Both, together with their brother Juanito, transformed their home into a space dominated by fiction, to escape the dark reality imposed by the Franco dictatorship.
918 Nights
On October 4th, 2007 Arantza, the director of the film, was detained and taken to prison. She remembers a few things about those days: endlessly walking around the prison exercise yard, swimming competitions, Rasha's prison journey... After 918 nights locked up, Arantza is set free. From then onwards, she recorded her memories and doubts, which are heard throughout the documentary as a kind of fragmented memoir.
The Return: Life After ISIS
Camera Operator
Shamima Begum and Hoda Muthana made it into worldwide headlines when they left their countries to join ISIS. When they return, their countries don't want them back.
세기의 끝
오초와 요하이는 휴가와 업무 차 바르셀로나에 방문했다가 서로를 알게 되었다. 몇번의 기회가 있었음에도 엇갈렸던 두 사람은 그들이 묵는 숙소가 공교롭게도 바로 옆 건물임을 알게 된다. 원나잇 관계를 즐긴 후 서로를 알아가나 했지만, 요하이에게는 남편과 아이가 있다. 과연 이들은 관계를 지속할 수 있을 것인가?
Young & Beautiful
'Young & Beautiful' is the polyhedric portrait of a generation accused of not wanting to grow-up; a generation which has been cornered to accept a hopeless world and a country in crisis, in which it has been announced that the one way to survive is to abandon dreams.
Thirty Souls
Director of Photography
Alba is twelve years old and wants to discover the mysterious, fascinating and unknown reality of death. With her best friend Samuel, she enters abandoned houses, travels through forgotten villages and explores remote mountains that hide another parallel world. Hers is a journey to reveal the unexplainable conflict between the living and the dead.
Thirty Souls
Senior Colorist
Alba is twelve years old and wants to discover the mysterious, fascinating and unknown reality of death. With her best friend Samuel, she enters abandoned houses, travels through forgotten villages and explores remote mountains that hide another parallel world. Hers is a journey to reveal the unexplainable conflict between the living and the dead.
Director of Photography