Post Production Supervisor
Set in the height of summer in Sydney, Australia, the story follows a unique, intimate relationship between a mother, Michelle and her teenage daughter, Laura. They act more like girlfriends together than parent and child. This relationship becomes threatened when the mother helps her daughter throw a house party to impress new, more popular friends. She gains admiring looks from her daughter's guests. Both of them notice it, and it makes them uncomfortable. As their relationship unravels throughout the night, a much more sinister threat emerges that will jeopardize their bond forever.
Associate Producer
Set in the height of summer in Sydney, Australia, the story follows a unique, intimate relationship between a mother, Michelle and her teenage daughter, Laura. They act more like girlfriends together than parent and child. This relationship becomes threatened when the mother helps her daughter throw a house party to impress new, more popular friends. She gains admiring looks from her daughter's guests. Both of them notice it, and it makes them uncomfortable. As their relationship unravels throughout the night, a much more sinister threat emerges that will jeopardize their bond forever.
Post Production Coordinator
‘헨리’(제프리 러쉬)의 결혼식에 참석하기 위해 고향으로 돌아온 ‘크리스천’(폴 슈나이더). 어머니가 죽은 뒤 집을 떠난 지 16년만에 다시 돌아온 그를 반갑게 맞아준 ‘올리버’(이웬 레슬리)는 아내 ‘샬롯’(미란다 오토) 그리고 딸 ’헤드빅’과 함께 행복한 결혼생활을 이어가고 있다. ‘올리버’를 보면서 사랑하는 사람을 잃은 상처로 인한 악몽에 여전히 갇혀 살고 있는 자신을 발견한 ‘크리스천’. 여기에 결혼식 분위기에 도취되어 어머니가 모두에게 잊혀진 과거로만 남아 있음을 느끼게 되면서 그는 끊었던 술까지 다시 마시게 되고 어머니의 죽음과 관련된 충격적인 진실이 밝혀지면서 크리스천의 분노는 극에 달하게 되는데...