Obscure HK horror film centered around the world of gambling. Not to be confused with the fantasy-comedy The Gambling Ghost starring Sammo Hung and released the same year.
It's the 10th century BC, the emperor (Tien Feng) is not well, and the medicines he is receiving from con artist "Immortal Li" are in reality only making him worse. There is a man in a nearby kingdom, "Divine Physician" Chang Po-chao, whom it's said could cure his epilepsy, but the only way to bribe the head of the border guard is with a new work by painter Wei Yu-pi. He, meanwhile, wishes to be paid in jade, in fact with a specific piece, which requires a thief. But Ting Yu-yu, the best in the area, claims to be retired, though his daughter Li-ting (Cheng Pei-pei) seems enthusiastic. And for the sake of secrecy, the archivists originally sent to recruit Chang don't even know it's on behalf of the emperor!
대사찰 "삼보사" 주지스님인 지암선사는 90고령으로 자기 임종이 다가왔음을 알고 수제자인 혜동, 혜문, 혜사스님 중에서 계승시키려고 각계 시주들에게 통보하여 종정회의를 열어 결정하기로 한다. 대사찰인 삼보사 장경각에는 국보 같은 책 한 권이 있는데 현장법사가 쓰신 "대승기신론" 이란 귀한 보물책자였다. "대승기신론"을 손에 넣으려고 계략과 사건이 속출한다. 이 무렵 억울한 누명으로 유배된 구명이라는 젊은이를 구해내어 심중을 보매 불도에 귀화한지는 얼마 안 되었으나 선과인의 참됨을 보고 혜명이란 법명을 부여하여 삼보사 주지로 계승시킨다. 주지로 계승된 혜명스님은 중생들이 탐하였던 법전 "대승기신론"을 촛불에 태우며 법전의 가치는 그 문맥의 가르침에 있는 것, 읽혀 배우는데 의가 있다는 말을 남긴다.
고려는 몽고와의 전쟁에서 패하고 그 댓가로 몽고에 조공을 바쳐야 하는 굴욕을 당하게 된다. 그러나 조공 행렬은 번번이 비적들로부터 약탈을 당하고, 이유를 받아들이지 않는 몽고의 독촉을 받게 된다. 이에 고려는 새로운 조공책으로 장군 이방위를 임명하고 그의 딸 영란과 떠돌이 무사 강도성, 그의 사부 모오로 하여금 조공행렬을 호위하게 한다. 이들은 지나는 길에 오독문 장문인 묘춘화와 그 부하 만당곤을 만나기도 하고 태행쌍괴 형제들의 위협에 쫓기면서 행렬을 계속한다. 마지막 협곡에서는 수많은 죄수들이 나타나 위기에 처하나 강도성과 모오의 신묘한 무술로 그들을 전부 쓰러뜨린다
When the three most feared fighters in the land are defeated by The First Family and leader Chen Tien Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World, the treachery that follows will find the noble leader attempting to uncover the traitor that has poisoned the clan from the inside in a dazzling martial arts epic from Chen Chi Hua. "Militant Dragon and Tiger," "Devil Stars," and "Three Horrid Mice" have tormented the countryside for far too long. Upon their defeat at the hands of the First Family, Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World by the grateful population of the Chinese countryside. His house subsequently beset upon by a malevolent band of anonymous fighters and vengeful wizards who seek to destabilize Wei's reign, Wei must now seek out the betrayer who lurks in his midst and restore his honor before his rule collapses under the weight of disloyalty
The place: Shanghai. The time: 1921. The Japanese aggression towards China is getting stronger each day. Enter Hsueh Ao-Lin, an agent of the government sent to uncover the Chinese traitors helping the enemy. Once inside, Hsueh must fight both the Japanese and his countrymen for his sake, and the future of China.
The cruel son of a kind, wealthy man returns to his hometown in the company of a conniving, wicked woman, and they begin to persecute everyone. Soon the Kung Fu kid comes to the rescue, and put things right with his martial might fights choreographed by the late Lam Jing Ying
Chen Hui-Man breaks out of jail and goes on the rampage for those who wrongly put him behind bars.