Ernst Jacobi
출생 : , Berlin, Germany
사망 : 2022-06-23
Ernst Jacobi (July 11, 1933 - June 23, 2022) was a German actor. Jacobi was born in Berlin. After Abitur, he completed his acting training in Berlin and also took lessons in Paris. Jacobi began his career in theater in the 1950s. He was actor at the Burgtheater, Vienna and the Schauspielhaus Zürich. He is known for his role in The Tin Drum and as the narrator in The White Ribbon. Jacobi lived in Munich. He died in Vienna on June 23, 2022.
An unknown guest enters the house of an old woman and an old man. His visit is unexpected and changes everything forever.
Magnus Dutt
It's his last chance to get back on his feet. And so Philipp Keyser knows no scruples as he approaches the young painter Alma, to find a lost painting, which is in the possession of a mysterious old man. Too late, Philip is clear that he expires more and more the young woman. In the main roles of Dominik Graf's film "In the evening of all days" Friedrich Mücke and the great theater actor and narrator Ernst Jacobi are to be experienced.
Professor Heinrich
With provocative dresses and a lot of make-up, the 19-year-old Melanie defies her bleak hospital stay in Masserberg in Thuringia. For years, she suffers from a very serious eye disease that will lead to blindness without expensive therapy and expensive drugs. Mel dreams of freedom in the West and is convinced that they could be treated there as well. So you only the new doctor Carlo Sanchez remains as a worldly glimmer of hope. As their escape plans fly up and Carlo is to spy on behalf of the Stasi, begins for the unequal pair a race for life and death, love and freedom.
The School Teacher as an Old Man (voice)
1913년, 독일의 한 시골마을에서 연쇄적으로 발생하는 기이한 사건들의 근원을 쫓는 영화로 고요하고 평화로운 보이는 작은 마을에서 드러나지 않은 사람들의 추악한 본성과 그것이 어떠한 제재도 없이 되물림 되는 것의 공포가 무엇인지를 보여주는 작품이다. 누군가의 의도적 장치로 동네 의사가 부상을 입는 사건을 시작으로 마을 사람들과 아이들에게 의문의 사건들이 연이어 발생한다. 누가 자행한 짓인지 밝혀지지 않은 사건들은 점차 강도 높게, 연쇄적으로 일어나며 마을 사람들을 공포에 빠뜨린다.
Historical Bio-Pic, based on the life of Hope Bridges Adams-Lehmann, being the first female physician and member of womens-lib movement in Germany at the end of 19th century.
Prof. Hinkel
Prof. Hampe
Rupert Neumann
Prof. Winkler
Principal Watermann
Sams in danger, it is said, when Mr. Taschenbier's son Martin brings the Sams back into the household, which, however, is kidnapped shortly afterwards by the sports teacher because of his special skills.
Prof. Graefe
The couple Hanna and Georg are overjoyed when Hanna finally gets pregnant, but things take a turn for the worst when Georg's father demands that abortion be performed because of a hereditary defect in his family.
Adolf Hitler
노르웨이의 노벨상 수상작가 함순과 남편의 곁에 있기 위해 모든 것을 포기한 마리의 특별한 결혼 생활 이야기. 세계대전 당시 히틀러의 편을 들어 국민 시인에서 매국노로 추락한 그의 오묘한 운명은 많은 이들의 흥미를 불러왔다. 한편으로는 정치가 다루어지고 다른 한편으로는 너무 늦었을 때 결합하는 남편과 아내와 같은 사적인 이야기의 두 가지 면을 다룬다. 영화는 함순의 사망 전 16년의 삶에 초점이 맞춰 전개된다.
Marcus Noah
After the death of their parents, the sisters Astrid and Britta want to make the Winkelmann fashion house number one in their hometown. Astrid accepts that her already troubled marriage to Bernd suffers from the ambitious goal - until Bernd agrees to have a relationship with Britta. When she gets pregnant, there is a scandal between the sisters.
Friedrich W. Liebe
Troubled Roula finds herself drawn to Leon, an author of children's books who has suffered an enormous emotional and creative blockage ever since his wife died in a motorcycle accident two years before. Leon has only his 12-year-old daughter Tanja to keep him company. As romance blooms between Leon and Roula, his daughter approves. Unfortunately, Roula is carrying heavy emotional baggage stemming from the incest she suffered at the hands of her father.
Leonard Haas
Ernest, Ted and August fulfill their friend Carl's dying wish and take him to Heidelberg, where they all first met 45 years ago, to see his old girlfriend one last time. However, the locals won't talk about her, due to a WW2 secret.
Monsignore Francis Belmont
Dr. Nesselhoff
Professor Andrea Negrini
A psychiatrist is murdered and a rich heiress fears her disturbed lover will be implicated as the killer. She hires an ex-lover lawyer friend to help her defend him but when he turns up dead, the lawyer realizes he´s in over his head.
Dr. Siegbert Geier
For fans of history, this glimpse of Munich society in the 1920s will be a much-treasured event. The story revolves around an art-gallery manager who puts on a show featuring the scandalous works of a woman artist who committed suicide. He is unjustly accused of having committed adultery with her, and for some reason the authorities decide to make an example of him. He is imprisoned at about the same time that Hitler and the nascent Nazi party attempt the infamous Beer Hall Putsch, and the gallery manager's girlfriend and a Swiss writer valiantly (and unsuccessfully) attempt to get better justice for him. Nobody in authority, it seems, has the courage to take up the challenge of righting this particular injustice.
March/April 1917. The first world war is already a couple year to pace. A sealed train with Russian emigrants keeps on driving from Zürich Germany and Sweden to Sint-Petersburg. The outlaws stand under the guidance of Vladimir J. Lenin. Two senior officers support the revolutionary bomb "to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Yet there are some unpleasant clashes between Socialists and enthusiastic workers who are worried about the war. During train travel there comes an end to Lenin's affair with the gracious Inessa, and his wife Nadja is prepared take back him. The triumphant entrance in St. Petersburg will exceed all expectations....
Richard Richardson
Bernhard Hürfeld
Follows the lives of students and their teachers based on the director's childhood memories. The events of the film take places in the actual boarding school called "Gymnasium Canisianum", founded in 1946 by a German catholic priest.
Professor Willibald Schmidt
Salimov Jakov Petrovic
낭만적인 사랑을 꿈꾸던 아가씨, 신혼의 단꿈에 젖었던 그녀!전쟁이 임박한 독일, 리네는 파티에서 낭만적인 평화주의자 한스를 만난다. 그의 열정적인 구애에 마음이 끌린 리네는 청혼을 받아들이고 두 사람은 소박하지만 행복한 신혼 생활을 시작한다. 그러나 곧 전쟁이 터지고 나치당원이 아니라는 이유로 한스는 제일 먼저 징집되어 서부 전선으로 끌려가게 된다. 온갖 시련 속에서도 눈물 한 방울 흘리지 않는 강한 어머니로 거듭난 리네! 남편을 전장으로 떠나보내고 홀로 남은 리네. 그녀는 옆집에 폭탄이 떨어지는 소리를 들으며 힘겨운 산고 끝에 딸 안나를 낳는다. 연일 계속되는 공습으로 살던 집마저 무너지자 리네는 딸을 데리고 정처 없는 피난길에 오른다. 변변한 잠자리조차 없어 폐허가 된 도시와 숲 속을 헤매는 리네와 안나. 추위와 굶주림에 시달리는 것은 물론, 어린 딸이 보는 앞에서 군인에게 강간까지 당하는 수모를 겪으면서도 리네는 남편이 돌아오면 모든 것이 좋아지리라는 희망 하나로 고된 삶을 견뎌낸다.그녀는 사랑받기를 간절히 원했던 한 여자였다드디어 전쟁이 끝나고 리네는 다시 행복한 가정으로, 사랑받는 아내로 돌아가리라는 꿈에 부푼다. 그러나 현실은 잔인하게 그녀를 배반한다. 전쟁터에서 보낸 세월은 선량한 한스를 잔인한 사람으로 바꾸어 놓았고 돌아온 한스는 나치당원이 아니라는 이유로 차별받았던 과거를 보상이라도 받으려는 듯이 출세에만 열을 올리는 속물로 변해갔던 것! 리네가 달라진 그의 모습을 쉽게 받아들이지 못하자 남편은 오히려 그녀의 정조를 의심하고 둘 사이의 불화는 깊어지는데... 지옥 같은 하루 하루, 리네의 영혼과 얼굴은 처참하게 일그러져 간다.
1924년 단찌히에서 오스카가 태어난다. 놀랍도록 조숙한 아기는 독일인과 폴란드인이 섞여 살고 있는 단찌히에서, 독일인인 알프레도와 폴란드인 얀, 두 아버지 사이에서 자라 세번째 생일을 맞던 날 사다리에서 고의적으로 추락, 성장이 정지된다. 오스카는 생일날 선물로 받은 양철북을 두드리면서 나치의 행동을 분열시키는등 끊임없는 소동을 일으킨다. 서커스단 친구들과 함께 연주 여행을 떠난 오스카는 매혹적인 소녀와 사랑에 빠진다. 오스카의 악마적인 요소는 두 아버지와 어머니를 죽음으로 몰고 간다. 어떤 의무로부터도 자유로운 오스카에게도 성과 죽음은 두려운 난제로 다가온다.
Alexander März
A schizophrenic patient is is wasting away in a mental institution, until a young doctor encourages him to write poetry. The resulting masterpieces are however not able to stop the man from suicide.
Schreiber Licht
Hebrew leader Lot (Stewart Granger) leads his people to a fertile valley adjacent to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, hotbeds of vice and corruption ruled by the merciless Queen Bera (Anouk Aimée). When Lot orders a dam to be busted in order to prevent destruction of the cities by the attacking Helamites, the queen, in gratitude, allows Lot's people to settle in Sodom. Soon, however, the veneer of civilization begins crumbling as Lot and the Hebrews become corrupted by the Sodomites.
Subscribtion advertiser Tredup
The tax officials Thiel and Kalübbe try to confiscate two oxen, but are prevented from doing so by protesting farmers led by the community leader Reimers. The assistant editor Tredup, who takes photos of the incident, is also in the thick of things.
Klaus Thieme
Restaurierer Raoul Villain
Edmund Geuge
Andrew Cobham
Der Mörder
Oberstleutnant von Schwartzkoppen
Hugo Grossmann
John Jo Mulligan
Camille Raquin
Emil Kubinke
Stummer Sohn
Arnold Kramer
Robert Blaise
Herr Geisler
Hans Nast
Hartmann, Pfarrer
Strange things happen in the overnight express: according to a cryptic, obviously military announcement, the train's telephone link with the outside world has been cut off, access to the rear part of the train has been barred, the windows cannot be opened and the train does not stop at any station. While the train's secretary decides to get to the bottom of these ominous events, the other passengers react quietly and are annoyed by the young woman's anxiety. A young priest prevents her from pulling the emergency brake.
Jürgen Trahnke
Rudd Kendall
Tensions arise when a US military base is built in a small village in post-war Germany.
Herbert Wiesner
James Madison
A motorcycle gang in post-war Germany wreaks havok on a town, until one of their members begins to have second thoughts after a run-in with the police.
Jacques de Wissant
Tommy Reichmann
Heidelberg teenagers make jazz music.
In a casino in a We'5t German health resort, one often sees Sybille - an attractive young student actress. With her winnings from the roulette table, she attempts to finance her studies. Despite a rather lucky streak, her winnings are a little on the lean side. She doesn't, however, gamble with her own money but with that of Dr. Busch, a lawyer, who likes to stay in the background with the argument that gambling houses are not the proper turf for a serious lawyer. From him, Sybille receives only a small share of her winnings later, and only through the intervention of Gerhard Fischer, a journalist, does Sybille come to realize her role in Dr. Busch's fraudulent scheme.