Panagiotis Kakavias

참여 작품

In a working class neighborhood of Athens of the economic crisis, resurgence of fascism and covid19, a racist group of 18-year-old students persecute immigrants, homosexuals, anyone who is just different. A classmate of theirs who does not hide his dislike for their action quickly becomes their target.
Anna and Eleni are unwillingly spending their summer in Berlin. On a Saturday evening, they find themselves strolling around, carrying an empty suitcase. They start singing. Soon they will have to face the unpredictably fatal consequences of a single wrong lyric.
The journey of black raisin, the “black gold of Greece” as it is widely known, from the past to the future. Following the preparation of an art exhibition themed around raisins, the documentary introduces the importance of this product for the local community of Aigio and for the whole country alike, its history, and the people who live and work with it.
The journey of black raisin, the “black gold of Greece” as it is widely known, from the past to the future. Following the preparation of an art exhibition themed around raisins, the documentary introduces the importance of this product for the local community of Aigio and for the whole country alike, its history, and the people who live and work with it.
A Life
Life is a unique event and it only happens to us once. There is no turning back. What would I have done or not done, if I could turn back time? Which of my actions or oversights have I regretted? I wonder, did I live well or did I waste the amount of time given to me? Important people, sculpted over time and standing at the threshold of life, talk, freely at last, about the journey of their life and bestow, as a gift, the precious essence of their life. The almost distilled opinions of these people are dramaturgically included in the fictional part of the documentary. Where the journey of life on Earth unfolds through the narrator's voice, while we follow the course of a child alongside a small wooden boat: from the springs of a river to the mouth of the sea, corresponding to Man's voyage from birth to death.