Script Consultant
Ida has a hard time making friends. One day, her weird class teacher announces that everyone in the class will have a magical animal with them. Ida is put to the side of the fox Rabbat. Benni, just like Ida also an outsider, has the turtle Henrietta as a new companion. Together they have amazing adventures ahead of them, but will they be able to fulfill the main requirement of the "Magic Pet Shop": to keep their new friends a secret from adults?
Script Consultant
우연히 지구 홈쇼핑을 보게 된 외계 3총사 ‘모그’, ‘내그’, ‘와보’! 은하계에 없는 고탄성 강화 섬유 ‘누비두비’ 마사지 매트를 구하기 위해 급기야 지구로 출동한다. 한편, 외계인 연구에 몰두하는 괴짜 아빠로 인해 아동보호소에 보내질 위기에 처한 지구 소년 ‘루이스’는 12번째 생일을 맞은 날‘모그’, ‘내그’, ‘와보’를 만나게 되는데…! 지구를 떠나고 싶은 ‘루이스’와 쇼퍼홀릭 외계 3총사의 시끌벅적 지구 쇼핑기가 시작된다!
Hans and Anna – together they make the Hannas: A hefty couple who love to cook. They meet sisters Kim and Nicola, both anorexic and excitingly different. Opposites attract, however, and anything goes, so the Hannas each wind up having an affair without the other’s knowledge. But Kim and Nicola have a secret of their own in store.