Stephen Adekolu

Stephen Adekolu

프로필 사진

Stephen Adekolu

참여 작품

구조견 루비
엘리트 K-9 부대에 합류하길 꿈꿔온 주 경찰관. 희망이 점점 사라지던 그때 자신처럼 낙심한 상대를 만난다. 영리하지만 말썽 많은 보호소 강아지 루비. 이제 둘은 파트너가 된다.
A Lethal Lesson
Police Officer
High school teacher Lauren finds her life up side down when her job, the custody of her adopted daughter and even her safety is in danger when an angry student falsely claims to have had an affair with her.
Christmas with the Darlings
Just before the holidays Jessica Lew is ending her tenure as the assistant to her wealthy boss to use her recently earned law degree within his company, but offers to help his charming, younger brother as he looks after his orphaned nieces and nephew over Christmas.