As a new day begins in the small American town of Minninnewah, the residents start their day as ordinary as the next. Mother Nature, however, has other plans for them. Inhabitants have just 13 minutes to seek shelter before the largest tornado on record ravages the town, leaving them struggling to protect their loved ones and fighting for their lives. Left to deal with the aftermath, four families must overcome their differences and find strength in each other in order to survive.
브로드웨이에서의 성공은 물 건너갔네! 꿈을 접고, 어쩔 수 없이 고향으로 돌아온 에이프릴(소피아 카슨). 이 작은 마을에서 지내는 것도 마음에 들지 않는데, 오합지졸 아이들을 데리고 댄스 경연 대회에 나가라니! 마지못해 어린이 댄서들을 훈련하는 에이프릴. 그들에게 희망이 있을까?