Kwon Bo-ram

참여 작품

Have you ever had human blood?
교통사고로 부모를 잃고 졸지에 가장이 된 영주는 자신의 학업은 포기하더라도 동생 영인이 만큼은 책임지려 한다. 하지만 영인은 어긋나기만 하고, 현실은 냉혹하기만 하다. 동생 영인의 사고로 하나 밖에 없는 집까지 팔아야 할 상황에 내 몰린 영주는 부모를 죽게 만든 그들을 찾아간다.
깊고 오랜 사랑
Two girls at the same school fell in love with each other and their love has lasted for forty years. They couldn’t express their love to the world but they have lived a happy life. One day, however, a sudden death strikes their relationship.
어른이 되기 전에
Many banners has been put up all over a town. The banners read, “Asshole living in room 302 in Rainbow villa has carried on with my wife for five years. I will kill him without fail.” A boy asks his first love if she would like to him to remove them. She answers, “Fuck you.”