Lena Karbe

참여 작품

블랙 맘바스
‘블랙 맘바스’는 남아프리카 최초로 여성으로만 구성된 밀렵 방지 부대로서 크루거 국립공원에서 흔히 ‘빅 파이브’로 불리는 코끼리, 들소, 사자, 표범, 코뿔소를 보호하고 있다. 대부분 백인 남성으로 구성된 환경보호국에 의해 주요 홍보 수단으로 선택된 이들은 미래로의 전진과 식민지 과거로의 회귀 중 택일해야 한다.
Chaddr – A River Between Us
CHADDR is a feature documentary about a 17-year-old girl Stanzin. Her home town in the heart of Himalaya in Kashmir is facing big changes: Global warming and technological progress change the lives of people rapidly. Until recently children had to follow dangerous mountain pass every year to get from their home village to school. It takes Stanzin 4 days to get to school. The times are changing and the dangerous mountain pass will be turned into an autoroute. The director Minsu Park follows Stanzin on her last way to school, before she graduates and leaves her hometown forever.