In this affectionate, leisurely paced comedy, an Odessa policeman is out walking his beat when he discovers an adorable infant abandoned in a cabbage patch. He does his duty and takes the baby to an orphanage, but later he and his wife, who have an unusually affectionate and cozy relationship, decide to try and adopt the little one. What they must go through to accomplish that goal is anything but straightforward.
The main character Vorobei is a professional grave digger and alcohol addict, who runs away from hospital to dig graves instead of treating his head broken by his brother. He comes to cemetery and keeps on working, instead of his friends' advice to stay in the hospital. The world of death turns out to be surrounded by corruption, satanic money-making, cemetery mafia and lots of vodka.
유능한 변호사는 현재 살인을 시도한 혐의로 체포당한 부유한 부인의 변호를 준비 중이다. 그녀는 가족의 친구에게 성폭행을 당할 뻔했고 이에 저항했을 뿐이라고 주장한다. 그런데 재판 과정에서 한 통의 편지가 발견되며 이야기는 예상치 못한 국면으로 흘러간다. 서머셋 몸의 『편지』를 원작으로 한 작품
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