Alice Reily de Souza

참여 작품

Summer Rain
After an exhausting rainy day, a young woman is struggling with her growingly overwhelming feelings. Initially, she has difficulties allowing her tears and fights actively against them. She desperately tries to keep out the rain, which more and more vehemently makes its way into her apartment. Yet as soon as she learns to accept and appreciate the rain, she also makes peace with crying.
어떤 날은 가볍고 어떤 날은 무겁다. 중력이 끊임없이 바뀌는 세상에선 중심을 잡아줄 무언가를 찾아야 한다.
In One Drag
It's late in the evening. A man leaves a building, lights a cigarette and smokes it in one drag. He casually flicks the stub away – everything as always. Only this time... all the cigarette butts in the city become alive.