Bonnie Cutler-Shear

참여 작품

언노운: 사라진 피라미드
이집트의 고고학자들이 역사 속에 잠들어 있는 4,000여 년 전의 무덤과 유물을 발굴하기 위해 나선다. 땅속에 묻힌 피라미드를 추적하는 이들의 여정을 그린 다큐멘터리.
National Geographic: The Filmmakers
Editorial Services
National Geographic Wildlife Filmmakers Go Eye-to-Eye with Danger! They swim with sharks, confront venomous snakes, and stalk hungry lions. They're National Geographic filmmakers, and for these remarkable adventurers, capturing unforgettable footage in the wild is not just a job, it's a way of life. Join a cinematographer in the rain forest canopy as he goes to incredible lengths - and heights - to film the world's most powerful bird of prey. Witness the frustration of a filmmaker who just misses the scene-stealing shot of jackal pups greeting their mother in the Serengeti, and feel the exhilaration when he finally captures the event to perfection. Meet the talented professionals who go behind the camera every day and sometimes risk their lives to bring us extraordinary images of nature's most amazing creatures.