Tanya Haurylchyk

참여 작품

Director of Photography
Maryna, Pavel and Denis belong to an underground theatre group in Minsk, Belarus. In the course of the 2020 presidential elections, they take part in the peaceful mass protests, together with thousands of people. They narrowly escape arrest and torture. What unites them is the hope for freedom of speech and democracy.
Song Titled 328
Director of Photography
Belarus is a country of authoritarianism, capital punishment and poverty which is fighting a ruthless war on drugs. Thousands of young people end up behind bars because of the Criminal Code’s infamous ‘anti-drug’ Article 328. When 19-year-old Diana died of an overdose of ecstasy in her boyfriend Illia’s arms, her friends were too scared to call an ambulance. Only Anton asked for help, realising that he was facing up to 25 years in prison.
Song Titled 328
Belarus is a country of authoritarianism, capital punishment and poverty which is fighting a ruthless war on drugs. Thousands of young people end up behind bars because of the Criminal Code’s infamous ‘anti-drug’ Article 328. When 19-year-old Diana died of an overdose of ecstasy in her boyfriend Illia’s arms, her friends were too scared to call an ambulance. Only Anton asked for help, realising that he was facing up to 25 years in prison.
Song Titled 328
Belarus is a country of authoritarianism, capital punishment and poverty which is fighting a ruthless war on drugs. Thousands of young people end up behind bars because of the Criminal Code’s infamous ‘anti-drug’ Article 328. When 19-year-old Diana died of an overdose of ecstasy in her boyfriend Illia’s arms, her friends were too scared to call an ambulance. Only Anton asked for help, realising that he was facing up to 25 years in prison.
Director of Photography
필리핀 대통령에 당선된 두테르테는 마약사범을 비롯해 경범죄자를 처벌할 수 있는 초법적인 정책을 시행한다. 마닐라를 배경으로, 공권력이라는 미명 하에 무차별적으로 가해지는 폭력에 희생되는 사람들을 카메라에 담은 2년간의 기록.