Valentina Merli

참여 작품

Associate Producer
별거와 이혼 후에도 헤어지지 못하는 한 커플의 삼십 년을 담는다. 대체 무엇이 서로 원망만 하는 두 사람의 관계를 지속하게 할까? 다니엘레 루체티는 로마와 나폴리, 현재와 과거를 끊임없이 넘나들면서 이 은밀한 이야기를 기교있고 박진감 넘치게 전개한다. 황폐한 집, 고양이, 비밀 상자… 미스터리는 예측 밖의 결말에 이르기까지 꼬리에 꼬리를 물고 이어진다.
1998 - 2018
"1998" arises from the diary written by a thirteen-and-half-year-old girl for her best friend, another girl, during the summor of 1998. The film visits the house, garden, and setting where the diary was written and where the female narrator spent her all her summer vacations until 2018. A text, a voice, a setting where we follow the tale of a summer and the intensity of the relationship with her best and adored friend.
Love Torn in Dreams
Executive Producer
A serious young man of free spirit is forced by his surroundings to become rich at all costs. A group of blind children tries to open the eyes of the unbelievers to the Christian faith. Retired nuns who open a brothel, to pay the running costs of the convent. These rather ironic paradoxes turn this fairytale into a philosophical fable.