Zhu Hongzhen

참여 작품

Mystery Zone: Soul Eating Hill
20 years before, a middle-aged man lost his way in the mysterious deep forest in the midnight. After several days, he came back to village. However, as some strange things happened in the village, villagers thought the man was haunted by ghosts. After 20 years, the man had become the boss of a small restaurant, but he was still immersed in his horrible memory 20 years before. Afterwards, many mysterious things happened one after another. Therefore , Feifan, an editor ,his girlfriend Shuya, a hypnotist and their friends decided to go to the forest and uncover the truth 20 years before, and the man acted as their guide.
레일로드 워
2차대전 중 일본군 침략하의 중국에서 비호라는 이름의 작은 항일단체가 일본군에 맞서 다리를 폭파하는 작전을 수행하는 내용의 코믹 액션