Riva Chang

Riva Chang

출생 : 1984-09-13, Changhua, Taiwan

프로필 사진

Riva Chang

참여 작품

U Motherbaker - The Movie
A film sequel to the popular series, U Motherbaker. It is a Taiwanese family comedy about culture and the challenges of transforming a traditional cake shop. The film spin-off depicts the mother’s adventures of being the number one fan of the superstar OO.
원 나이트 인 타이페이
A bachelor who decides to propose to his girlfriend with his mother's ring only to have the ring accidentally knocked into the gutter by a boy. He experiences the crazy nightlife in Taipei and meets many interesting individuals throughout his mission to get the ring back.
An-tai, the girl (segment "The Orphans")
대만 건국 100주년을 맞이해 금마장영화제가 허우샤오시엔, 웨이더솅 등 현재 가장 뛰어난 대만 감독 20명에게 자유롭게 대만의 독특한 정체성에 대한 5분짜리 영화를 만들어달라고 주문했다. 다양성과 결속감이 어우러진 영감을 주는 작품.