Ben, a college student, is constantly invited over to his friend's house to play Dungeons and Dragons. After finally agreeing to play, he comes to the house only to want to leave as the residents continue to make the night an uncomfortable experience for him.
Ben, a college student, is constantly invited over to his friend's house to play Dungeons and Dragons. After finally agreeing to play, he comes to the house only to want to leave as the residents continue to make the night an uncomfortable experience for him.
이혼 후 딸까지 빼앗긴 톰은 어이없는 사고로 죽게 된다. 사후 세계에서 톰은 자살자로 처리되고, 자살한 벌로 집에 갇혀 수천 년을 유령으로 살게 된 톰. 유령이 되었지만 여전히 우울한 톰의 집에 유령을 볼 수 있는 소녀가 이사를 오고, 톰은 이 가족을 도와 천국으로 가려는 계획을 세우는데...