Despite trying to leave behind his life of crime, Danny reluctantly teams with naïve rich kid Liam and wildcard drug dealer Kit Viper. A botched robbery leaves them in possession of a mysterious supernatural artifact with immense potential.
Sound Mixer
이제 막 고등학교를 졸업한 시카고의 십 대들. 그들이 여름을 맞이한다. 자유로울 수 있는 마지막 기회. 사랑도 꿈도 불투명하지만, 마음이 원하는 길을 가고 싶다.
In this new softcore erotica film from the writer/director of Daydream Obsession, Lawrence is just out of the closet and he turns to his straight friends for help. After getting a massage from an old high school crush, he has his friends find out more about the masseur. Will he turn out to be more than a masseur? Will he be faithful to Lawrence?