Arnim Mühlstädt

Arnim Mühlstädt

출생 : 1929-10-22, Dresden, Germany

사망 : 2002-10-17

프로필 사진

Arnim Mühlstädt

참여 작품

Farssmann oder Zu Fuß in die Sackgasse
He could have had women, he could have climbed the ladder of his accountancy career, and he could have stood on the podium next to the highest in the land. If only he had wanted to! But Farssmann, shaken by divorce and unwilling to better himself, wants to remain what he is: an ordinary bookkeeper like you and me. And so the dollar deal with Mr. Osbar from Utah (USA) is not the first time he comes into conflict with the very palpable unreality of a country called the German Democratic Republic.
Der Rest, der bleibt
Albert Einstein
Two part movie about Einstein's escape from Germany in 1932 and his influence in the invention of the nuclear bomb in 1939.
Zwei leere Stühle
Mönch ärgere dich nicht
Zweiter Mönch
Der Doppelgänger
Romantic comedy about a series of mix-ups. Brigitte Kaufmann wants to divorce her husband Jörg who is an engineer and chief executive of an electronics company – and a hopeless pedant. Benno, a former boy friend of Brigitte, has a slightly bizarre idea how they could save their marriage. A piano player, whom Benno has seen in a bar, and who looks exactly like Jörg, is asked to work his charms on Brigitte and to try to dissuade her from divorce while Jörg is on a business trip. Piano player Engel agrees on the plan and acts as Jörg at home with Brigitte as well as in Jörg′s workplace.
Gritta of the Rats' Castle
The tale of young Gritta who lives with her father, an unsuccessful inventor. When her new stepmother tries to put her away in a convent she discovers some dark secrets there.
Meine Frau Inge und meine Frau Schmidt
Film by Roland Oehme.
Der Mexikaner Felipe Rivera
Spider Hagerty
The Arctic Is Calling
This children's adventure movie is a charming tale of a group of youngsters in Prague who hear that Soviet sailors abandoned their failing ship in the Arctic Sea before it went down, but no one had been able to find the sailors yet. Inspired by the efforts to save the men, the youngsters strike out on their own to help in the rescue attempt.
Our Best Man
Erster Fernfahrer
The main character Otto, the "best man", is a copy of the illustrious Mister Bean. He takes on an apprenticeship as a building-worker, which makes him a member of a building brigade. At the same time Otto tries to start a love affair, which he handles even clumsier. Never the less Otto makes progress with the lady in question, a single mother, who apparently doesn't mind. Actually he wanted her sister, but a retired Leninist party member changes his mind. This gives him the courage to persevere in his work, albeit with the helping hand of the obligatory retired party member. And behold, in the end Otto invents a new method of building, which saves the brigade many hours of work.
Berlin, hier bin ich
Feuer unter Deck
Otto Scheidel (Manfred Krug) has been captain of the Elbe steamer Jenissei for over twenty years, but his ship, the last of its kind, is going to be converted into a floating restaurant. Otto, whose his strong attachment to the ship has already cost him his relationship with his girlfriend Caramba (Renate Krößner), refuses to take another job and instead joins a railway construction brigade.
싱글 마더인 수잔네는 공장에서 단순 노동자로 일하며 딸 제니를 키우고 있다. 삶의 무게에 지친 그녀는 공장도 그만두고 더 나은 일자리를 찾아 나선다. 그러나 딸의 병원비조차 내기 힘들어지자 친구의 조언으로 보험료를 받기 위해 자전거를 잃어버린 척한다. 우연히 만난 토마스와의 관계도 진척되지만 결국 허위로 보험금을 받았음이 알려지게 되고 수잔네는 곤경에 처하게 된다.
Soviel Wind und keine Segel
Gunter Hoßmann
Der Lumpenmann
Karl Meier, Dachdeckermeister
My Father Alfons
Ten years old Ernst and his father Alfons are traveling to the family event on their bikes.
Berühmte Ärzte der Charité: Der Mann aus Jena
When Unku was Ede's Girlfriend
Ede falls in love with Unku, a girl from a travelling circus. Love cannot run smoothly however because Unku is a Gypsy. Various adventures take place before love is finally allowed to run its natural course.
Chirurgus Johann Paul Schroth
Die Stunde der Töchter
A life-threatening heart attack confines Richard Roth to the hospital bed. There, Richard, who is in his late fifties, asks himself what will remain of him and his life. What happened to his four daughters? Do they take after him? How have they developed? His youngest daughter Nanny, who is still living with her father, gets her three other siblings to Weimar to visit their father.
Ende vom Lied
Snow-White and Rose-Red
In an enchanted forest, the princely brothers Michael and Andreas get lost and are transformed, by a mountain spirit who jealously guards his underground treasure, into animals until the unlikely event of sincere love from a human. The only persons who may be able to give such love are the local commoner sisters Snow-white and Rose-red, who are kind and helpful by nature and stand to harvest unimagined rewards.
Hiev up
The crew of a small Saßnitz fisherman has problems with the "making a cultural socialist life". In order not to lose the competition prize again in the future, they want to show the organizer a collective weekend with all the trimmings. And they really do not mind ...
Ich Bin Nicht Meine Tante
...inklusive Totenschein
Der rasende Roland
Die Weihnachtsmannfalle
Phillip the Small
Philipp is a small boy, who other guys pick on, because he's not as large as them. But when a musician gives him a magical flute, he can make objects bigger or smaller.
Concert for Frying Pan and Orchestra
For the "Festival of good ideas" that is to take place in their residential quarter the musically enthusiastic young Bum wants to rehearse a music show along with his friends. With pans, cans, hooters and other junk they make music. Some adults get angry about that. Others like the second-hand dealer Dohlenei and Mr. Kling from the symphony orchestra help the children to make their fantastic idea come true.
Krach im Hochhaus
Ein Feigenblatt für Kuhle Wampe
Mein lieber Mann und ich
Neues aus der Florentiner 73
Herr Regler
Der Leutnant vom Schwanenkietz
The film describes the activity of an ABV of the People's Police in its section in East Berlin. A mixture of “positive” characters from the beginning, the extensively staged “owl”, who is introduced as a criminal and over the course of time, especially due to the influence of the ABV, develops into a good citizen, and incorrigible characters, with whom the ABV fails with its extensive attempts at rehabilitation and who are arrested after having committed again offenses.
Das Schilfrohr
Florentiner 73
Hauptmann Florian von der Mühle
This story of the miller Florian, who gave all his money to the war against Napoleon, is loosely based on a true story. After the war, Florian's reimbursement is challenged, and he must also pay taxes on his destroyed mill. He resists the tax collectors and takes off to Vienna, where he intends to defend his rights. On the way, he rescues the Duchess of Guastalla from assault. She also wants to go to Vienna, as His Majesty Franz II is trying to contest an heir in her favor. With cunning, luck, and dagger, Florian fights his way through a slew of nobility and their secret police.
Das Tal der sieben Monde
Film by Gottfried Kolditz.
Flucht ins Schweigen