Sise Ma

출생 : , Sichuan, China


Sise Ma (or Mascher Zuowei) from Yi nationality. She was born in Sichuan and graduated from Tongji University with a degree in acting in 2007. In 2006 she was Invited to shoot Nestlé print ads, in 2007 - shoot for cover of the magazine "National" in Lolo ethnic sotume. Nezt years Sise Ma starred in many TV dramas such as "Ancient City", "Adventures in the Ring", "80s in Progress" and "Shanghai Storm" as well as films such as "The Legend of the Chinese Woman" and "Highway 9".

참여 작품

Three Eyes
Huan Ling
Legendary Erlang Shen atoned for his mother's sins and had to descend to the realm of the dead a thousand times to get rid of demons before he could be enthroned again. Yang Jian was born as a baby and regained his godly power only after he became an adult. Therefore, the clan of "god protectors" has a long history on earth. "The goddess Huan Ling found the three-eyed baby and named him Yang Jian, believing that he was the reincarnation of Erlang Shen. For twenty years, Huan Ling has been guarding Yang Jian. But no one believed in Yang Jian. When the ink demon attacked again, Yang Jian finally opened his heavenly eye to get rid of it.
The Cabin Crew
Love Will Tear Us Apart
Liang Liang (William Feng) is in love with a young actress named Miao Miao (Ni Ni). Their deep love for each other leads them to move in together, but Liang Liang's behaviour soon causes Miao Miao to feel insecure about her own worth in his life.
Little Demon
아주 오래 전, 한 남자가 훌륭한 퇴마사가 되기 위해 수행을 결심하고 흑산으로 그 꿈을 실현하기 위한 여정을 떠난다. 그의 이름은 연적하. 하지만 흑산의 난약사라고 불리는 사찰엔 오래된 요괴들이 살고 있었다. 연적하는 흑산의 요괴들이 인간을 살해하고 원기를 빼앗지 못하게 하기 위해 하루하루 격렬한 전투를 벌인다. 때문에 주민들은 ‘흑산’과 ‘난약사’라 불리는 사찰에 들어가길 꺼려한다. 그러던 어느 날, 원래 인간이었지만 죽은 후 100년 묵은 나무요괴의 영향으로 영혼이 자유롭지 못한 섭소천과 연적하는 사랑을 하게 된다. 수 년 후, 흑산 아래 모든 물이 갑자기 마르기 시작하고, 사람들은 이러한 갑작스런 가뭄에 생활의 위기를 느낀다. 생계의 어려움을 극복하기 위해 마을 사람들은 나라의 관리인 영채신과 함께 흑산의 상류로 물을 찾아 떠나고 난약사에서 물을 발견한 영채신은 그곳에서 섭소천을 만나게 되지만 요괴들이 영채신과 일행들을 죽이려 하자 그녀와 함께 도망치는데…
Route Nine
Fang Fangfang
In an accident, a series of contradictions erupted on Highway 9. In a taxi, Yu Yinyin, a pregnant woman, was going to the hospital for a prenatal checkup. In a family car, husband Qian Dawei and wife Li Weiwei decided to divorce by agreement. Their son Qian Xiaomo was deadlocked and silent. They were deadlocked, and his son Qian Xiaomo watched coldly; Lu Nan, the bridegroom who was about to travel and flash marriage, was very nervous and was forced to see him off. Fangfang wanted to speak and stopped depressed. There are also all kinds of cars, trains, jeeps...